The surface of the ocean is a busy, sometimes turbulent place where wind and waves cause constant movement. But deep down below the surface, there is profound stillness, despite the surface activity. In this ocean meditation, listeners discover the same about the mind. Despite the activity of thoughts and emotions, there is always a deep stillness available within.
Without mindfulness, we tend to identify with the activity that occurs at the surface. We attach tightly to our thoughts as they arise, or continue engaging with them by trying to push them away. When we look inward and observe this activity, however, we see that thoughts behave like ocean waves. They come and go and are no more ‘us’ than any one wave defines the ocean.
By holding thoughts lightly in this manner, we reduce their power to cause us suffering and pain. This ocean meditation script teaches us that we can choose where to place our energy and attention. We can allow for what is arising, knowing that it doesn’t fundamentally change who we are. And at some point, it will dissipate again.