In this article, you'll learn:How to present mindfulness offerings in an engaging and relatable manner.Effective skills & strategies for pitching & selling

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Many of us cringe when we hear the sound of our own voice. It’s a common human reaction. It is possible, however,

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Most of us know that we should be kind to ourselves, and yet it can be quite difficult to do so. For

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An embodied understanding of self-esteem vs self-compassion is something we can arrive at through awareness and mindfulness practice. Discerning between the two

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Solfeggio frequencies are an ancient and fundamental aspect of sound healing, dating back centuries while transcending the boundaries of religion and culture. These

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In the world of sound healing, the ancient solfeggio frequencies are timeless pillars of holistic well-being, with connections to centuries of spiritual

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Bringing mindful attention to our breath benefits us in many ways. Mindfulness breathing exercises can reduce stress and calm the central nervous

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Addiction comes in many forms and takes hold of our lives to varying degrees. Breaking free from addiction can feel like an

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Our thinking mind does a lot for us. It plans, strategizes, and organizes, amongst other things. Sometimes, it leads us to trouble,

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As humans, we all have moments when we forget who we are and struggle with a diminished sense of self-worth. For men,

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In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the idea of maintaining a positive mindset can feel like a well-intentioned yet unrealistic

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Mindfulness offers us the opportunity to choose what we pay attention to. In our busy lives, we often operate in default mode,

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Chakra affirmations direct awareness and positivity to the body’s energetic centers. Repeating a chakra affirma˜tion daily can help improve physical, emotional and

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If you’ve been practicing mindfulness for some time now, you’ve likely experienced the transformative effects it can have on your life and

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Mudita is a Sanskrit word, sometimes translated as vicarious joy. With this guided meditation for happiness, we learn to connect to mudita,

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When we’re clear about what we want and dedicated to manifesting it, the universe hears our call. In this manifestation meditation script,

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Mindful movement offers us a way of being present with the body when we just cannot sit still. We can also use

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Mindfulness is often described as non-judgmental awareness. And yet, as we bring mindfulness to our experience, we become aware of how quick

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When we sense deeply into the heart space and allow the energy there to move freely, we experience profound inner peace and

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The sacral chakra, svadhisthana, is located approximately three finger-widths below the navel toward the back of the body. Svadhisthana chakra is related

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