Gil Fronsdal leads a Guided Meditation The Space Between. In meditation practice sometimes we discover space can be inspiring, physically or in thoughts.

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In our minds, we're usually thinking about something. There's always a subject to our thoughts. The relationship between the subject and ourselves is at most times entangled. Sometimes we get lost in thoughts, there's always about something. It's about what we want. It's not wrong to do that but it's everything we do.
Sometimes, it's possible to tune in to that absence. The world of withoutness. The absence of self, the subject.
You don't look at the space, it's just doing nothing and taking it in and just avoid fixing the eyes. Then the space becomes highlighted, it's nice.
So the idea of an unfixated mind. The mind is not concerned about the aboutness of something. Where there's space there is freedom, freedom from always there is about, about something.

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