Spring Washam talks about compassion- The Fierce Heart. There is a lot of suffering in the world, and all are called to help. Compassion compels us.

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Beneath whatever feelings of love we experience for our partners, our family members, our pets, and the world beneath our feet. There is a broader scope of this fierce heart sentiment that many of us are now tapping into – that is, the unconditional heart of compassion. When we first run into the idea that compassion and love can be ‘unconditional’. Many of us experience some form of rejection of this notion.
It is hard to clearly define what unconditional love really is. As humans, many of us falter in offering unconditional love based on the way that life has conditioned us to understand the world we live in. Unconditional love is really more of a feeling – an intangible energy of acceptance and oneness – than it is a notion we can rationally hold onto. As we explore a variety of practices, such as mindfulness exercises for trauma and loving-kindness practices. We start to gain a visceral sense of what and how we might open ourselves up to this transformative force.

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