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March 25, 2020

Gil Fronsdal leads a Guided Meditation Dharmette: Noticing. He starts with a story about an extraordinarily ordinary person and how practical noticing is.

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Be Mindful, be attentive, if you make mistakes, it's okay.

Gil expounds on a story about his Zen teacher, his first meeting with him and how it became a transformative or pivotal point in his life's experience of becoming a Zen teacher himself. How he characterizes this man as very extraordinarily ordinary, completely at ease and just being there.

He explains how this noticing is a special part of awareness and mindfulness between people. Either you notice others and or people notice you, especially when you are a sort of public figure you ought to behave in a way that because people notice you, to notice your own shortcomings. In Buddhism, the practice is like how you are representing the Buddha and how the Buddha projects his presence.

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About the author 

Sean Fargo is the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, a former Buddhist monk of 2 years, a trainer for the mindfulness program born at Google, an Integral Coach from New Ventures West, and an international mindfulness teacher trainer. He can be reached at [email protected]

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