Written by:

Updated on:

March 14, 2018

Available for download, audible media of 20-minute meditation with just bells. Good for 20-minute meditations for invoking sleep.

Download this Audio Meditation for Free, Just Enter Your First Name and Email Address:

Below are free audio mp3’s that you can download to your computer with various amounts of silence. All of these audios have bell sounds to notify you when the audio has ended, helping you to know how much time has elapsed.

Some of the meditations also have interval bell sounds every 5 to 15 minutes to help prompt you to regain focus in case it’s drifted off into planning, remembering, storymaking, etc.

New Silent Meditations With Bell Sounds:

Download this Audio Meditation for Free, Just Enter Your First Name and Email Address:

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About the author 

Sean Fargo is the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, a former Buddhist monk of 2 years, a trainer for the mindfulness program born at Google, an Integral Coach from New Ventures West, and an international mindfulness teacher trainer. He can be reached at [email protected]

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