Enjoy a peaceful and calm sleep with this guided meditation with binaural beats. Use headphones if you can to make the binaural beats more effective.
You guys asked for binaural beats and here they are. Enjoy a peaceful and deep sleep with this guided meditation. I give you a couple of minutes before the meditation starts to calm, rest into a comfortable position so you are ready to listen. Please use headphones if you can to make the binaural beats more effective. Visualize the words that I say and try to clear your mind for sleep.
Reaching a state of deep sleep is crucial for our overall sense of wellbeing. Sleep & relaxation offers us the chance to reset and restore our energy systems. Our physiology thrives when we have slept well as sleep impacts everything from hormones to emotions to energy levels. Research has shown that proper sleep can help us to regulate our emotions and reduces our tendency for reactivity.
Did you like this guided meditation for peaceful and calm sleep?
Further Reading:
Mindfulness Exercises For Sleep & Relaxation