Gil Fronsdal leads a guided meditation on Emptiness. To experience calmness and stillness, and letting go of everything what you know is existing around.

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This meditation on emptiness is a technique to get enlightened, i.e. “self realization.” By realizing who you are, the bonds of suffering are broken. Besides this goal, self-inquiry delivers many of the same benefits as other meditation techniques, such as relaxation, enhanced experience of life, greater openness to change, greater creativity, a sense of joy and fulfillment, and so forth.
Many people misunderstand the self-inquiry technique to mean that the person should sit and ask themselves the question, “Who am I?” over and over. This is an incorrect understanding of the technique. The questions “Who am I” or “To whom is this thought occurring?” are only used when a thought arises, in order to direct attention back to the feeling of being “me.” At other times the mind is held in silence.

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