Tara Brach talks about Working with Trauma. Loving-kindness creates a space for you. Bring to mind the people that love and support you.

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In this talk, ‘Working with Trauma,’ Tara Brach explores and reveals how sometimes, a case can be made to not dive into whatever is present. Sometimes, we may not be prepared for the pain of the heavy trauma beneath the surface, and in fact, pushing ourselves too forcefully into something can end up leaving us feeling retraumatized.
Working with Trauma
Diving into the body when trauma is present is not always wise. Honouring our present moment needs can help us to assess what is the best mindfulness practice for us in any given moment. When diving straight into an experience or physical sensation associated with trauma does not feel like the right move, we can move instead towards loving kindness practices that soothe the nervous system and prepare us for a later descent into those experiences and emotions.
Taking Our Time
Sometimes we need to spend time building up our inner resources before diving into areas of trauma that we are not prepared to uncover just yet. To do this, we can take the time to practice opening our eyes to the world at present, grounding ourselves into our physical surroundings, or listening to meditations that help us to harness a sense of inner peace and contentment. We can also call upon the support of others around us. Whatever path feels most accessible to us in any moment is often the right course of action in that particular moment.

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