Emotional chaos comes to the mind, and what contributes to it is the mind's clinging to what it wants to have. Clarity is how chose to relate to the chaos.

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To experience all the benefits of this guided meditation of emotional chaos to clarity, find a well-ventilated room and a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Make sure that you not be disturbed for approximately 30 minutes and settle into a position where you could sit or lie comfortably for the duration of this recording. Unplug your fan. Close your eyes and prepare for a deep sense of relaxation and well-being. Embrace the opportunity to escape from the here and now. At this moment in time, there is nothing for you to feel concerned about. You are at peace. You will allow the tensions of the day to dissipate and to connect with the universe. Remember that this is your time.
With your eyes closed, breathe deeply and slowly through your nose, and then slowly exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, picture any tension leaving your body as a color. Let the tension fill the airs swirling around you. If you feel angry, envision the breath as a deep red color to make it become a more vivid image, but you can choose any color that appeals. Allow any tension within you to dispose of as the breath leaves your body.

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