You’re about to listen to a quick body scan meditation by Tara Brach. This guided meditation is beneficial for increasing connectedness with the body.

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In this body scan meditation, Tara Brach reminds us that one of the direct openings to true presence becomes known to us as we heighten our awareness of the body. In this body scan, we are encouraged to open up compassionately and non-judgmentally to anything and everything that exists within us. Whether our experience is of tightness, contraction, tingling, pulsating, or flow, everything can be accepted as we release the mind and practice true mindfulness.
The Flow of Energy in the Body
The energy field within the body is in constant flow; no matter how firmly-rooted it may feel, the body is constantly shifting. As we begin to tune into this dynamic energetic presence within us, we heighten our ability to accept the present state of reality, coming to understand that everything that moves through us is impermanent. Opening ourselves up to the true nature of the energetic body through a quick body scan meditation is a perfect practice for both beginners and more advanced practitioners.
Guiding a Body Scan
Whether we are self-guiding a body scan meditation or are leading others through this practice, a quick body scan is a simple and effective tool to help center our attention and to quiet the mind. When guiding a body scan for oneself or for others, we can use the breath as a complementary tool to relax and heal the body. With each inhalation, we can envision life’s dynamic force entering the body and bringing vitality, and with each exhalation, we can envision all tension in the body being released into the surrounding universe for transformation. If we are interested in facilitating this type of work as teachers, we can strengthen our knowledge and skills in relation to leading mindfulness meditations through a mindfulness teacher training course.

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