Fitting meditation into your day doesn’t have to be a challenge. Try this free 1-minute mindfulness exercise by Tara Brach, here at Mindfulness Exercises.

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One Minute Mindful Guided Meditation by Tara Brach
We often come up with excuses for why we can’t make changes and improvements in our lives, particularly when it comes to changing our habits and routines. Sure, we’d love to exercise more — but how are we going to fit an hour-long workout into our already packed and busy day? It’d be great to eat better, but maybe you feel like you can’t find the time to cook an elaborate meal at the end of an already long day.
The same goes for beginning a meditation practice and attempting to integrate mindfulness into our daily lives. We all like the idea of being more grounded, centered, peaceful, and mindful. But when you have a family, children, a stressful job, a long commute, and all of life’s other pressures weighing down on you, the idea of trying to set aside adequate time each and every day for a 30, 45, or even 60-minute seated meditation just feels like added stress. If anything, the prospect of it seems more stressful than simply going without in the first place.
Build Awareness and Begin Your Mindfulness Practice
The truth is that daily mindful meditation practice doesn’t need to be an arduous, time-consuming task. In fact, it shouldn’t be something that you look at as another item on your to-do list. If you live a busy and hectic life, you can still begin a one-minute mindfulness practice right here, right now.
You don’t need to put it off until another day. You don’t need to wait until you have more time, or until your schedule clears up. There’s no need to procrastinate because even a single minute of focus and mindfulness meditation will bring greater peace and clarity into your daily life.
Here we offer this one minute guided meditation by Tara Brach. Her teachings are a mixture of Western psychology and Eastern spirituality, and Tara does an excellent job of helping to engage compassionately and mindfully with the world around us.

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