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January 1, 2022

Can you welcome this moment with openness and caring curiosity? Sean Fargo leads this guided meditation to help us welcome what is here for us right now.

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Find a posture that feels relaxed and alert. I'll be taking a couple of deep breaths, allowing the belly to soften and to relax. You can close your eyes, or look downward, or whatever feels comfortable for you. Softening the muscles of the face and around the eyes.

Feeling our feet flat on the ground. Feeling the weight of our body on whatever we're sitting on. Just noticing any predominant sensations around the body that you can notice. Just opening to whatever's here in the body. Welcoming this experience, however, it is.

Welcoming these sensations in the body, whether they're pleasant, or unpleasant, or neutral. We open to this body with this spirit of welcoming. Welcome. Welcome. This very experience, with fresh awareness.

Welcoming this moment fresh in our consciousness. Welcoming each new moment as it comes with openness and caring curiosity. Each new moment, welcome. Opening to the freshness of now.

And welcome to this moment, this experience, these sensations. Welcoming our hearts, our care for this life. Welcoming emotions, whether they're difficult or pleasant. Welcoming the fullness of our body, our minds.

Welcoming ourselves home to the present moment. Now, maybe, taking a couple of deep breaths, feeling our feet flat on the ground, maybe wiggling your fingers or toes, and slowly opening your eyes whenever you're ready.

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