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August 24, 2016

Jack Kornfield talks about Inspired Leadership. He takes inspiration from various different leaders like the King of Thailand and George Washington.

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What is inspired leadership? Jack Kornfield discusses this topic, exploring both inner leadership and outer leadership throughout the duration of the talk. He opens with a suggestion of what we might call wise leadership. In the example he offers, he shares how the King of Thailand takes vows “to act with compassion towards all beings and all of life, and to do so for the benefit and the awakening of all.”

Harnessing Inner Leadership

Kornfield explains that to become our own leader means to become ‘the one who knows.’ We shift from a small sense of self (identification with mind and fear) to a more expansive sense of self rooted in the heart. As we shift our attention and values in this way, generosity, truthfulness, honesty, equanimity, and good will (among other qualities) blossom.

These qualities are not nourished in the this busy, modern society, but as we take the time to explore our own mindfulness practice through a variety of mindfulness exercises, we start to gain a sense of what it really means to embody inspired leadership.

Strengthening Our Practice

With infinite distractions and activities around us, it can be challenging to really harness this inner sense of leadership. Making mindfulness a daily practice is greatly beneficial in this process. If you are interested in making mindfulness a part of your everyday life, you can join the free 100-Day Mindfulness Challenge to reaffirm your inspired dreams.

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About the author 

Sean Fargo is the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, a former Buddhist monk of 2 years, a trainer for the mindfulness program born at Google, an Integral Coach from New Ventures West, and an international mindfulness teacher trainer. He can be reached at [email protected]

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