Kate Munding talks about the natural tendency of resting the mind. That sometimes it’s not to feel bad about and that it’s part of being human.

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Why resting the mind is important?
With all the things going on in our daily lives, not only our physical bodies are getting tired and exhausted but also our mind. As much as our body need to rest, our brain should take a rest too. Resting the mind means that you need to take some time to relax, focus on something that can give you peace of mind, and don't think about anything else.
You can rest your mind by meditation, practicing deep breathing, and doing yoga. Checj out our FREE Mindful Exercises for Relaxation which can help you rest your mind.
Even when we find physical stillness at the end of a long day, the mind often continues to race. Thoughts about things we should have done differently or fears we may have about things to come. They flood us without us being consciously aware of it. Many of these thoughts replay through our subconscious mind and so they go largely undetected. However, while there is much that pulls for our attention every day, exploring a variety of mindfulness exercises for relaxation can help us to truly feel into what it means to be at peace.

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