Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, how often do you take time to tune into the natural world around you? We often forget that the great outdoors is a place we can retreat to - a place of nourishment and grounding.
This outdoor meditation script is a guided practice for tuning into the beauty and wonder of nature. It helps us to deepen our awareness of how connected to nature we really are. You may experience a sense of grounding, balance, or inner peace with practice.
Use this script to meditate outside or to guide others in an outdoor practice. Ensure that you and your students always practice in a safe and comfortable location.
Here’s a Sample of the “An Outdoor Meditation Script for Peace and Grounding” Guided Meditation Script:
Sit or stand with your back against a tree. If you feel safe doing so, close your eyes. Feel the tree trunk against your body. Consider how the tree is simply being. It isn’t trying, striving, or judging.
It is an alive, peaceful presence. Let that presence—that unconditional support—prop you up. There is nothing for you to do right now, either.(pause)Feel the weight of your body on the earth.
The sense of your feet or legs on the ground. Consider the live beings beneath you – microscopic, unseen, underground, supporting and sustaining everything around you.
Thank them for allowing you to share their space. Feel the presence of the ground holding you up. Notice the support it gives, without asking anything in return. Feel the live energy of the earth.

Notice if allowing yourself to be still is bringing any emotions to the surface. If it is, allow those emotions to be there with you.
When we take the time to be present, it’s normal to notice emotions, especially uncomfortable ones, arise. Without emotions, you wouldn’t be human! Notice the temperature of the air against your skin.
Tune into the aliveness of your body feeling that temperature, and, if there’s a breeze, the sensation of it against your skin. Take a few deep breaths. Offer gratitude for the free, nutritious air going into your lungs.
Feel your lungs expanding and contracting, and the sensation of the air nourishing you, keeping you alive.
How to Use the Outdoor Meditation Script
It goes without saying, but this script is intended for meditation outside. Whether you like to meditate outdoors yourself or want to lead others in outdoor practice, this guided meditation script can support you. Consider the following:
There is much beauty, connection, and peace to be experienced during outdoor meditation. Sometimes, all that is required is that we tune in. May this guided practice support you and/or your students to deepen your connection to nature, uncovering peace, grounding, and presence in the process.