When pregnant, we can easily get caught up in doing and planning. What will the baby wear? When should we paint the bedroom? Amidst all of this doing, it can be helpful to take pause and cultivate gratitude for the life that is blooming.
This pregnancy meditation script is a 10-minute practice that invites you to cultivate appreciation for the little one in your belly. Amidst the planning and stress that can come with being pregnant, it may help to create feelings of joy, gratitude, and relaxation.
Use this meditation script for pregnancy at any time during your pregnancy journey. If you are working with a client, you might consider sharing it with them as well.
Here’s a Sample of the “A Pregnancy Meditation Script for Gratitude” Guided Meditation Script:
Acknowledging gratitude is a very important life blessing. …
Each time that we pause and take several moments to feel grateful, we are changing our lives for the better.
The chance to be a mother is one of the greatest opportunities a woman can be gifted.
The love that grows between you and your child is more giving than anything you could possibly buy.
Experience now the feeling of the love between you and your baby right now.
Imagine right now the moments you have collected together so far.
Imagine all the times you held your baby close to your body, sharing warmth.
Fully immerse yourself with these feelings of love, and acknowledge that you have immense gratitude for what your baby gives you.
Begin to feel a sense of overwhelming gratitude for what you are able to give to your baby.
Sit now with these memories and feelings for a little while. (Pause for 15 seconds)

Now bring about feelings of gratitude towards those who love you and care for you. Let images of these wonderful people appear in your mind.
See their smiles and feel yourself smiling in this vision. Clearly see them doing things for you that you are grateful for. Thank them, and hug them, knowing that they expect nothing in return from you except love.
Be grateful for what you can provide for these people, especially when they ask for your help with something. For a few moments, give recognition to these people who share love with you, and honor them.
(Pause for 15 seconds)Now, imagine that you are standing in front of a large and stunning mirror. It has a giant ornate frame that was hand carved and painted.
How to Use the Pregnancy Meditation Script
This pregnancy meditation script can be used by women on their personal journey through pregnancy. If you are a meditation teacher, you can also consider sharing it with a pregnant student. Ensure that whoever is the student (whether you or a client) is happy with the pregnancy. This should not be used to force gratitude amidst difficult or complex emotions.
Consider these three ways of using this script:
Pregnancy is an embodiment of the magic, wonder, and mystery of the universe. As such, it provides a wonderful opportunity to deepen our gratitude. This pregnancy meditation script invites you to cultivate feelings of appreciation not just for pregnancy but for your life at large.
May this practice serve you (or your student) to revel in the magic and beauty of growing a new life.