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May 11, 2016
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When we take the time to sit with our vision of the future, we start to unravel the values, virtues, and dreams that inspire our journey. From this vision and these images, we can formulate a personal mission statement. Such a statement acts as a guiding light that keeps us focused on living a life that is true to our hearts. 

The Importance of a Personal Mission Statement

If we feel confused about our direction in life, a personal mission statement can help to bring us some clarity. By taking the time to really assess what it is we hope to achieve or experience in life, we help to assure that life will not simply pass us by. Some of the benefits of creating a personal mission statement include:

  • Increased focus and determination
  • Clarity of mind and heart
  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Greater meaning in life
  • Increased motivation

Mission statements are similar to personal intention statements, though intention statements might be more fluid than our overall mission. Intentions can be set from day to day whereas missions are longer lasting in nature.

How to Write Personal Mission Statement

To write a personal mission statement, take a moment to sit quietly, close your eyes, and ground into the earth. Next, ask yourself:

What is it that I long to see embodied to a larger degree in this world?

When I look back on my life at the end of it, what will I want to have contributed?

What work brings joy and meaning to both myself and my community?

After reflecting upon these questions, take your time to formulate a sentence that reflects what your mission for this life experience is based on whatever arose. This might take you some time to craft, so be patient with yourself as you really hone in on what it is you long to contribute to this world.

Personal Mission Statement Examples

If you are curious to hear a few personal mission statement examples, you can consider the following:

To bring love and compassion to every individual I cross paths with

To never stop asking questions and to continually cultivate open-mindedness

To encourage others to be their most authentic self

About the author 

Kevin Wood

Before I realized words were my calling, I was stringing together language of a different sort, code. I taught myself to program while in school (for philosophy), and built WordPress sites for a living. It was a grind, but it was fun. Until it wasn’t. Lucky for my sanity, I found this little thing called writing. Now, I write in the technology space, it was a natural extension of my skills. I know tech and I know writing. Why not combine them.
And that brings us to the present day. Creating epic content for tech-related websites, startups, SaaS businesses, and high-traffic online business and marketing blogs. I only write for companies who I’m passionate about.

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