Here’s a Sample of the “Visualizing Your Day As You Wake Up” Guided Meditation Script:
Time rise and smile about getting up right now, just let my voice flow and soothe you for the next little bit.
Keep your body in a comfy and cozy position and remain still for the time being.
If you can, think back to the dreams you were just having.
Our dreams are powerful learning tools, that help us sort through problems and alert us of things we need to work on.
Remember every detail of your dreams right now, and allow things to come up in your mind from those dreams that could be very important messages for your waking life.
So what were you just dreaming about?
Can you kind of imagine that you’re dreaming again right now?
What you are doing right now is actively dreaming, which will allow you to take information from the unconscious world to your conscious mind.
So just dream and float.
Float and dream.
Learn things you need to learn.
See things you need to see.
I am going to count from 1 to 10 and with each number I say, you are going to allow your dreams to blend with a picture in your mind of what you want your day ahead to look like.
1….. how do you see your day playing out?
2….. and what were you just dreaming about?
3….. what do you want to make happen today?
4….. and see your day as productive.
5….. see your day as joyful.
6……see your day as fulfilled.