Here’s a Sample of the “Softening Anxiety by Grounding in the Present Moment” Guided Meditation Script:
Begin either seated or lying down, with eyes opened or closed
Choose a posture that feels safe and comfortable to you
Turn your attention inward toward your breath
Breathe in and out through your nose,
and remain present with the felt experience of the breath
As you watch breath move in and out through your nostrils
Stay with this one breath in,
And with this one breath out
As you look upon the breath with curiosity,
Let the detail of what you notice keep you right here, and right now
As you look upon the breath with open acceptance,
Let a sense of awe help hold you in this one moment
(pause 3 breaths)
And then expand awareness from the breath, to the body as a whole
Still aware of breath, remain present with the sensation of breath throughout the body

Feel the rise and fall of your shoulders
Or the expansion and contraction of your belly
Or an overall sense of floating upwards, and downwards,
On each cycle of breath
Hold your attention to wherever it is in the body
that you notice the breath the most
Let curiosity and an open, spacious attention
Keep you rooted in breath and body awareness
Allow for a sense of awe, which helps keep us connected to that which we notice
And then beginning at the top of your head
As yourself, what else is present here, in the body, other than the breath?