Here’s a Sample of the “Relieving Stress With SBNRR (Stop, Breathe, Notice, Reflect & Respond)” Guided Meditation Script:
Let's begin by taking a moment to allow your body to settle. Find a comfortable position that allows your spine to be long but with a natural curve in the low back.
You can close your eyes or keep them open with a soft gaze downward a few feet in front of you. Let the belly and shoulders relax (2 seconds).
Today I’ll guide you through a relieving stress practice. In this meditation, we’ll practice cultivating a sense of ease, openness, and space even around difficult emotions.
This practice can be an antidote for those times we feel stressed and overwhelmed (2 seconds). Before we start, take a full breath in (2 seconds) and a long breath out (5 seconds).
To begin this practice, invite your body to feel nourished and fed (2 seconds)
as you breath in you can imagine breathing in all the energy and positive emotion that
your body needs (2 seconds).
As you breathe out, letting go of any tightness, tension, or toxicity (5 seconds).

Breathe in warmth and openness (2 seconds).
Breathe out tension or tightness (10 seconds).
Check in with the body, see if any tension has come up in the usual places.
Soften them on the next exhale.
Feel free to move or shift your posture if that feels helpful (5 seconds).
Check in now with the mind.
Are there any stories taking up space that don't have to be there at this moment? Invite
them to come and go.
Neither clinging to them or pushing them away (5 seconds).
Breathe in and breathe out (10 seconds).