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April 29, 2020
Sense of Sound - Guided Script. Without looking for sound, without trying to go and find sound, We notice the sounds that are arising in our awareness.
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Here’s a Sample of the “Sense of Sound – Guided Script” Guided Meditation Script:

Accompanying Meditation on Sense Awareness (Sound)

Find a comfortable seat.
This could be on a chair, with your feet flat on the ground,
Or on a cushion, with your hips higher than your knees.

Most importantly, you should feel comfortable,
and your spine should be in a neutral position, up tall.

Let your hands rest in your lap or on your thighs, to support a softening of the shoulders.

Close your eyes, or keep a soft gaze forwards and downwards towards the earth.

Close your lips, and breathe gently in and out through your nose.
Your breath should be quiet, long and patient,
Reflecting all the spacious qualities you’d also like to see in your mind.

To get settled in this stillness and relative quiet,
Count out 10 patient cycles of breath, beginning with this exhale as number one.

Sense of Sound, Sense of Sound – Guided Script

Then inhale number one, exhale number two.
Then inhale number two, and so on.

Remain focused on the breath with approximately 25% of your effort.
Another 25% of your effort, focused on the count, and not losing track of the count.
Rest the remaining 50% of your attention on spaciousness.

Feel open, relaxed, and even a little joyful.

If you’ve become distracted from the count, simply begin again at exhale number one, inhale number one, and so on.

After a few rounds of effort, or if you’ve made it all the way to a perfect ten,
Drop the effort of counting and rest in the presence of your breath.

In the stillness and quiet here, we’ll set today’s intention, a meditation on sound.
Commit to staying right here, on your seat, working with sound awareness
Until your timer is up.

About the author 

Sara-Mai Conway

Sara-Mai Conway is a writer, yoga and meditation instructor living and working in Baja Sur, Mexico. In addition to online offerings, she teaches donation-based community classes in her tiny, off-grid hometown on the Pacific coast. She is a certified 500-hour Remedial Yoga and Applied Mindfulness Advanced teacher with Bodhi Yoga Spain under the Independent Yoga Network (UK).

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