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April 15, 2020
Mindful Cleaning. Like doing dishes, cleaning grants us the time to step back from our active days and rest in present-time awareness.
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Here’s a Sample of the “Mindful Cleaning” Guided Meditation Script:

Like doing dishes, cleaning grants us the time to step back from our active days and rest in present-time awareness.

Instead of focusing on the task itself or how you feel about it (most of us are usually not that excited to clean the house),

use this time as a chance to take care of yourself andencourage the habit of mindfulness.

In this exercise, we will use the activity of sweeping.

However, you can practice mindful cleaning while dusting, mopping, wiping down a counter, or doing any other household chore.

Start your practice when you are gathering your cleaning supplies.

Mindful Cleaning, Mindful Cleaning

Walking to get the broom, feel the feet moving across the floor. Pay attention to the feeling of moving through space toward your supplies. Picking up the broom, bring awareness to the sense of touch.

If the mind begins wandering into the future and the task at hand, bring yourself back to the body in the present moment.

Sweeping is often repetitive, which can lead to a sense of boredom.

To help stay in the present moment, try using a mantra.

You can use a simple noting phrase, like “Left, right,” or a phrase of loving-kindness, such as

“May I live with ease.”

About the author 

Sean Fargo

Sean Fargo is the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, a former Buddhist monk of 2 years, a trainer for the mindfulness program born at Google, an Integral Coach from New Ventures West, and an international mindfulness teacher trainer. He can be reached at [email protected]

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