Here’s a Sample of the “Focusing Your Attention Using Breath” Guided Meditation Script:
Let's begin by taking a moment to allow your body to settle (2 seconds).
Find a comfortable position that allows your spine to be long but with a natural curve in the low back (2 seconds).
You can close your eyes (2 seconds) or keep them open with a soft gaze downward a few feet in front of you.
Let the belly and shoulders relax (2 seconds).
Today I’ll guide you through a focused attention practice focusing on the breath,
this will help calm your mind and relax your body (2 seconds).
Before we start take a full breath in (2 seconds) and a long breath out (5 seconds).
Now allow the breath to find its natural rhythm in and out (10 seconds).
Begin this practice by connecting with what draws you here (2 seconds).
Maybe it's a wish for greater well-being for yourself and for others.

Maybe a desire for some rest and calm (15 seconds).
Now bring your attention to the breath (2 seconds).
You may notice movement of the abdomen or chest (2 seconds),
sensations of air passing at the tip of the nose (2 seconds),
sensations in the throat (2 seconds),
or a sense of the whole body breathing (5 seconds).
Wherever the sensation is most vivid for you,
allow your attention to rest there (15 seconds).
Breathe in, breathe out (5 seconds).
Can you notice the moment the inhale begins?
How it continues and the moment it ends? (5 seconds)