Here’s a Sample of the ““Simply Stopping” Guided Meditation Script” Guided Meditation Script:
Meditation Script:
Let's begin by taking a moment to allow your body to settle into a comfortable position
(2 seconds).
You may close your eyes or keep them slightly open allowing the spine to lift
(2 seconds),
the shoulders to soften (5 seconds).
Today we will practice simply stopping (2 seconds)
Begin by taking a full breath in (2 seconds)
and a long breath out (5 seconds).
Notice what it's like to just stop (2 seconds).

To simply be still and present in this moment (10 seconds).
You may notice thoughts, bodily sensations, sounds. Just noticing what it is like to be
alive in just this moment
(15 seconds).
Simply stopping (10 seconds).
Each time you find the mind somewhere else, play with inviting a sense of stopping
(20 seconds).