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July 25, 2020
Sharing Gratitude. During this session, we will practice a heart-warming technique to foster gratitude and connection. Begin settling in and letting go.
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Here’s a Sample of the “Sharing Gratitude” Guided Meditation Script:

Hello and welcome to this meditation. During this session we will practice a heart-warming technique to foster gratitude and connection. Go ahead and become as comfortable as possible.

Settling in and letting go. Relaxing your head. Relaxing your shoulders and back.
Relaxing your arms and legs. And letting your eyes slowly close.

Now, connect with the breath. Simply following the inhales and the exhales, listening to the breath. Feeling the breath.

Nice and easy. Nice and slow now. Slowing the breaths even more.

And with your next long exhale, begin to disconnect from all outside sensations releasing with the intention of bringing your focus within, deeper within.

Now, bring to mind the most important people in your life, your closest family members and friends. Imagine each person appearing before you. Notice each and every one. Look them in the eye and feel their presence here.

sharing gratitude technique, Sharing Gratitude

In your mind's eye, see yourself reaching out to one of your loved ones and holding their hand in your own. Make it real. Feeling your fingers entwined with theirs and the warmth and softness of their skin.

Imagine the bright glow of gratitude emanating from your heart as you bring to mind all of the ways this person makes you feel loved.

What gifts does this person bring into your life? In what ways does this loved one support you? Feel the gratitude growing and growing becoming brighter and brighter with each beat of your heart.

And now, feel this light moving from your chest all the way down your arms to your fingertips. And then flowing from your hand to the hand of your loved one moving all the way up their arm and to their beating heart filling it with gratitude and love.

About the author 

Sean Fargo

Sean Fargo is the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, a former Buddhist monk of 2 years, a trainer for the mindfulness program born at Google, an Integral Coach from New Ventures West, and an international mindfulness teacher trainer. He can be reached at [email protected]

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