Here’s a Sample of the “Feeling Strong and Confident” Guided Meditation Script:
The Strong You
This exercise offers a way to deeply reconnect.
Although it is not a traditional mindfulness practice, you can use it to remember who you are, especially when you forget.
Sitting in a comfortable posture, close the eyes and take a few deep breaths through the nostrils.
Imagine yourself in a difficult situation.
It may be something coming up that is bringing some fear or anxiety or something you went through in the recent past.
Recognize any fear or aversion that is present as you bring this event to mind.
Maybe you want to ask for a raise, need to have a difficult conversation with a loved one, or have an upcoming appointment that is bringing some worry.

Rather than playing out the story in your head, ask yourself what the strongest version of yourself would do and how they would handle it.
Picture your strong self handling the situation with complete kindness, care, mindfulness, patience, and wisdom.
As you visualize this situation in your head, make special effort to notice the strength within you.
Allow yourself to feel strong and confident.
When you begin doubting yourself, return back to the strong you.
Reconnect with your intentions of wisdom and compassion in the face of difficulties.