Here’s a Sample of the “Notice and Accept Your Body in the Present Moment” Guided Meditation Script:
We will do a brief body scan
that is helpful for anxiety, depression, insomnia and pain.
The body scan is a mindfulness practice
that will allow you some time
to be in your body fully
and to get to know how it’s feeling right now
with your attention and awareness.
It offers a time to learn to effectively sit with body sensations,
like discomfort and tension.
The focus of this practice
is not to try to change anything about our experience.
there is no right way to feel in the moment.
The key to this practice is actually to simply notice and accept
(your body) whatever is present in the current moment.
As we go through this practice,
I’m going to guide you
to focus on various areas of the body
noticing whatever arises.
If you realize you’ve become distracted
or your mind wanders off,
simply tune back into the sound of my voice
and pick up with the practice.

You can begin this practice
by finding a comfortable position
either sitting or lying down.
You might find that
if you lie down while doing this practice
that you become tired and sleepy.
The goal of this practice is
to try to stay present and awake in your experience,
so if you do find that you become drowsy,
it might be best to find a comfortable sitting position.
But what’s most important is
that you feel comfortable.
So take a moment
and find a comfortable position,
and allow your body to come to stillness.
When you’re ready,
gently close your eyes.
Take a moment
to feel your body as a whole.