Here’s a Sample of the “Mindful Bathing” Guided Meditation Script:
Showering and bathing are common times to check out.
You let your mind wander, go completely into autopilot, or just shut down mentally.
Instead, you can use this time to work on your mindfulness practice.
Make your shower time a cleansing ritual for the body and the mind, using the prompts in this exercise.
You can practice with any or all of your senses in the shower, but for this practice, you will focus primarily on the physical body.
Begin your practice before turning on the water.

Stand for a moment and bring your awareness to the rising and falling of the breath in the chest.
Feel the lungs expand and contract with each inhalation and exhalation.
As you turn on the water, feel your hands on the knob, watch the water begin to flow, and hear the noise of the shower.
Notice if heat or steam fills the room.
Once you step into the shower, acknowledge what you are feeling.
You may notice the temperature change, the sensation of water on the skin, and any response of the body to the water.