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March 20, 2023

Christian meditation is a form of prayer that helps you cultivate a closer relationship with God. It’s a simple practice that can deepen your faith while helping you build a greater capacity for love, gratitude, and humbleness. 

Although still relatively unknown, learning meditation for Christians can positively affect your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. 

Browse our Christian meditation guide, where we answer the question, what does the Bible say about meditation, so you can learn how to meditate as a Christian and grow your faith.

christian meditation, Christian Meditation: A Guide to Deepening Your Faith and Improving Your Well-Being

What Is Christian Meditation?

Meditation has been a part of Christianity since its beginnings. Meditation is mentioned many times in the Old Testament and you'll find various written meditations and prayers.

In the New Testament, there are many moments where Christ would commune with God in silence and prayer. 

Christian meditation implies that you’re practicing meditation within the context of your Christian beliefs. Some common goals of Christian meditation include:

  • Creating space to hear God speak
  • Increasing your awareness of God’s presence
  • Deepening your relationship with God and God’s word
  • Increasing love, compassion, and gratitude
  • Taking attention away from the self

This differs from other types of meditation like mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, or Metta meditation. The main focus of Christian meditation is going to be on the word of God and filling your mind with the truth of God’s words.

How to Practice Christian Meditation?

Practicing Christian meditation doesn’t have to be difficult. If you already have an ongoing religious practice, then you can integrate meditation in a few simple steps.

The easiest way to practice Christian meditation is by using the scripture or Biblical words and phrases as your focal point. This will act as the guiding light of your meditation and help to direct your practice. 

Below you’ll learn how you can start your own Christian meditation practice.

Creating a safe and comfortable environment

When practicing any form of meditation it’s important that you feel comfortable, safe, and are free from distraction. This will help you relax and go deeper into your practice.

You can meditate anywhere, but it can be helpful to create a space in your home dedicated to meditation. Fill your space with items that you’ll draw inspiration from like the Bible, candles, symbols of the Trinity, and images of Jesus.

Some Christian meditators find it helpful to meditate outside, since being around nature can make it easier to feel connected to God.

Preparing for Christian Meditation

To prepare for your meditation you’ll want to center yourself and connect with your intention of being closer to God. This is done by focusing on the presence of God or reading scripture. 

Before you begin your meditation you’ll want to relax your body and mind. The simplest way to do this is through guided relaxation meditation or deep breathing. 

When you’re in a relaxed state of mind you’ll find it much easier to focus on your meditation.

Using different techniques and methods of Christian Meditation

There are a few different Christian meditation techniques you can practice. 

The most common is contemplative prayer. It’s one of the oldest forms of Christian meditation and involves the continuous repetition of a sacred biblical phrase. 

Another common form is Lectio Divina, which translates to the divine word, or holy reading. Here you choose a short passage from the scripture, read the passage deeply, meditate on the passage, and pray to God.

Christian meditation practices can also be combined with forms of mindfulness meditation. This helps you build the presence and focus necessary to deepen your connection to God. 

The beauty of mindfulness meditation is it’s a secular practice, so it can be paired with any religious or spiritual practice.

Taking your time and adjusting your practice

When getting started with Christian meditation it’s important to start small and grow your practice with time. Even a few minutes in quiet contemplation can help to lay the foundation for a spiritually enriching practice.

Give yourself time to develop the habit of meditation. Once you are meditating consistently for 5 minutes daily, you can gradually increase this time.

christian meditation, Christian Meditation: A Guide to Deepening Your Faith and Improving Your Well-Being

Benefits of Christian Meditation

Christian meditation not only has a positive impact on your religious life, but its benefits extend to all other areas of your life too. The following are some of the main benefits you’ll see with a regular Christian meditation practice.

Improved mental and physical health

Meditation can help to calm your mind, reduce anxiety, and lower stress. Meditating on a consistent basis helps to improve your focus, which allows you to more deeply contemplate the word of God.

Since meditation promotes relaxation your physical health can improve, along with your sleep quality, and immune system function.

Increased spiritual connection with God

Christian meditation can help guide you into a deeper understanding of and connection to God’s word. It can be used as a way to dig deeper into the scripture and truly understand and experience God’s presence.

A regular meditation practice puts the busyness of the world on hold and gives you time every day to grow closer to God.

A lot of meditation practices offer benefits, even when the practice is complete. With Christian meditation, you’re more aware of the presence of God throughout your daily life. This is a way to commune with God during every moment of your day.

Enhanced self-awareness

Meditation can help you live fully in the present moment. Full acceptance of the present moment leads to seeing every moment as a blessing and gift from God. 

Over time, resistance will fade away and you’ll learn to live without wishing that things were different, or something better will come along.

Regular meditation practice helps to improve awareness of your thoughts and emotions. With a clear perspective, you won't be troubled by ruminative thinking, so you can experience the fullness of every moment.

The Role of Prayer in Christian Meditation

With Christian meditation, you’ll often include a form of prayer during your meditation. This helps to connect you to God and give your meditation a point of focus.

Before you begin your meditation it’s helpful to think about prayer before you start. Is there something specific you want to pray to God about? Your prayers will probably change every day, and that’s completely normal.

Christian meditation will often involve prayer, verses, and silent contemplation. 

With an intention set, you can choose a verse, word, or prayer to begin your meditation. Over time, you’ll memorize certain prayers and verses and it’ll be easier to focus on the true meaning, instead of simply getting the words right.

When you’re just getting started meditating on Biblical phrases or words can be effective too. Some examples of sacred words or phrases include:

  • Jesus
  • Peace Be Still
  • The Lord is My Shepherd
  • Trust God
  • God’s grace

The further you progress in your meditation practice, the more attuned you’ll be to God’s word and will.

christian meditation, Christian Meditation: A Guide to Deepening Your Faith and Improving Your Well-Being

Tips to Beginners For Effective Christian Meditation

Christian meditation is a very personal practice that’s directed by the will of God. Don’t worry about getting things right, instead focus on committing to showing up every day.

Explore the following tips to more easily establish a Christian meditation practice that works for you.

Slow down

You’ll want to try to come into your meditation in a calm state. The simplest way to achieve this is with a mindful breathing practice. 

Mindful breathing helps to calm the nervous system and reduce stress, which makes meditation much easier.

Get comfortable

You can meditate in many positions including seated, kneeling, standing, lying down, and even walking. The most important thing is your body is relaxed, but not too relaxed that you fall asleep.

Start a simple, daily mindfulness practice

Having a daily mindfulness practice helps to ground you in your physical body in the present moment. This can help to slow your racing mind and accept your present circumstances.

It can also be helpful to incorporate gratitude into your daily practice. No matter what you’re experiencing, it’s a gift from God. Moving into gratitude puts you into a loving and receptive state which makes your meditation practice much easier and more fruitful.

Meditate with your partner

Meditating with your partner will help to bring accountability to your practice, which can help make meditation a habit. 

It also helps to build a deeper bond of compassion, gratitude, and love between you and your partner.

Open your eyes

Some people find that meditating with eyes closed can be distracting. One alternative is to meditate with your eyes open with a relaxed gaze. 

This can also help you merge your meditation practice with your daily life, making it easier to carve out time to meditate.


Learning how to meditate on God is an important practice that can deepen your faith, while improving your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. 

Of course, the most important part of your meditation practice is making a commitment and getting started today. 

Starting with something as small as a few minutes of quiet contemplation will lay the groundwork for a successful lifelong practice.

About the author 

Kevin Wood

Before I realized words were my calling, I was stringing together language of a different sort, code. I taught myself to program while in school (for philosophy), and built WordPress sites for a living. It was a grind, but it was fun. Until it wasn’t. Lucky for my sanity, I found this little thing called writing. Now, I write in the technology space, it was a natural extension of my skills. I know tech and I know writing. Why not combine them.
And that brings us to the present day. Creating epic content for tech-related websites, startups, SaaS businesses, and high-traffic online business and marketing blogs. I only write for companies who I’m passionate about.

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