The mercy of forgiveness must also avail for the opportunity of atonement. The word atonement means “At-One-Ment”. It is the act that will bring us unity and represents our oneness.
Atonement is strongly represented across faith and spiritual practices. It is seeking the condition of being one. The message of atonement is that change is possible. Phil Cousineau, in the book Beyond Forgiveness, explains how atonement works …
“Atonement…refer(s) to an act that rights a wrong, makes amends, repairs harm, offers restitution, attempts compensation, clears the conscience of the offender, relieves the anger of the victim, and serves justice with a sacrifice commensurate with the harm that has been done.”
I have not thought about atonement. I never harm or hurt so atonement is not an issue. Others to me is different. It is a wonderful lesson to teach a 10 year old. This I have done.