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Here’s a Sample of the “The Rhythm Of The Breath Flowing Through The Body” Guided Meditation Script:
So please find a way to get comfortable...
and just take some nice big deep breaths,
breathing in and breathing out
With the next out breath,
just gently closing the eyes now,
just starting to feel the weight of the body,
starting to notice the points of contact of the feet on the floor,
and the hands and the arms resting on the legs.
Maybe noticing any sounds;
so, just bringing the mind into the physical senses,
just settling back into the space around you.
Now just bringing the attention a little bit more towards the body
as you scan down from head to toe
noticing any areas that feel particularly comfortable or uncomfortable,
just building up a picture of how the body feels,
and just noticing if there’s any particular mood that might be around at the moment.

And now gently shift your focus to the rise and the fall of the breath,
wherever you feel it strongest in the body right now....
As you just become increasingly comfortable in following the natural rhythm of the breath,
I’d just like you to imagine now a steady flow from above the head.
It flows almost like a liquid sunlight.
It’s very smooth, very warm, it’s very clear, it’s very bright.
It’s almost like taking a mental shower;
it flows down through the top of the head,
into the body, and travels all the way down.
It’s going to fill the body up as though it were a container.
Just melting away any tension, any discomfort.
You just follow it as it travels down through the body,
sliding down towards the feet.

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