Here’s a Sample of the “Soothing Anxiety with Breath Awareness” Guided Meditation Script:
Find a quiet place where you can be free from distractions
And take a comfortable seat that promotes good posture
Set a timer for 5 minutes or longer,
But choose a meditation length that will allow you to feel successful
Consistent meditation of just 5 minutes per day, is far better than one occasional 30-minute session
With your eyes opened or closed, breathe gently in and out through your nose
And then as you sit here, watching the breath
Draw attention to your heart, and your desire to experience clam, peace and ease
Connect to this yearning inside of you
And then silently, to yourself
Commit to remaining here, for the duration of your timer
And commit to the practice of simply watching and noticing the breath
And then having made that heartfelt commitment,
Return to your job, which is breath awareness
Perhaps settling in on the feeling of the breath
As it moves in and out through your nose
From the tip of the nose
To the space between your eyebrows
Or sensing the breath as it fills and expands your lungs
Then empties again
Or aware of the breath as it moves all the way down into your belly
Or spaciously sensing the overall rise and fall of the body
With each breath in, and each breath out
Listen, for the ways in which the breath is speaking to you
Stay open, stay curious
And remain free from any judgment or self-criticism
The breath is perfect right now, just as it is
Your role, is simply to watch
(pause 2 breaths)