Here’s a Sample of the “Cultivating a Stable Mind” Guided Meditation Script:
Grounded and Flexible
Equanimity is the quality of remaining grounded and stable in the midst of your experience.
When you notice suffering, you respond with compassion, and you don’t get knocked off balance by the unexpected.
With equanimity practice, you cultivate a state of mind that is both grounded and flexible, especially in the midst of intense emotional experiences.
Closing the eyes and finding your posture, bring your awareness into your present experience.
Notice the sounds, the feelings in the body, and your overall mental state.
Open your awareness.
When something comes up, tune in to the mind, noticing where you get knocked off balance.

Certain sounds, thoughts, or feelings in the body may feel charged,
pulling you from your calm state of mind.
Sit with this awareness of your own balance for five minutes.
Bring to mind someone you care about deeply.
Connect with your intention to care for this person.
Recognize that although you may care for this person, you cannot control their happiness.
Offer a few phrases of equanimity:
May you be happy.
May you be in charge of your happiness.
Your happiness is dependent upon your actions, not my wishes for you.