Here’s a Sample of the “Noting Thoughts to See Where the Mind Is” Guided Meditation Script:
Simply by bringing awareness to the mind,
you naturally detach from its thoughts and meanderings.
When you observe your own thoughts,
you naturally create a separation from them,
because you see that they often arise on their own.
In this way, you are not as likely to get sucked into each thought.
You can notice individual thoughts, overarching mental states, or how active or dull the mind is in any given moment.
This practice offers yet another way to understand the thinking mind.
You will use a simple noting exercise to look at where the mind is as thoughts arise.
Rather than focusing on the content of the thoughts themselves, you will tune in to their general context.

Close the eyes and adjust the body to find a comfortable and sustainable posture.
As you will be working with thoughts, it is helpful to dedicate the first five minutes to building concentration.
Choose a place in the body and rest the awareness on the breath.
When the mind wanders, simply bring it back with kindness to the experience of breathing.
Open your awareness to the mind and thought processes.
Using the breath as your anchor, stay with the sensation of breathing until a thought comes up.
When you notice a thought arise, note what its general context is.
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