Here’s a Sample of the “Guided Meditation Script “One Breath at a Time”” Guided Meditation Script:
There’s a popular saying in addiction recovery circles: “One day at a time”. This refers to our very human tendency to feel we have to solve all our problems RIGHT NOW. That we think we have to figure out or achieve EVERYTHING.
In a nutshell: to be in control of life. “One day at a time” reminds us that it is impossible to climb a mountain all at once, or even to know what’s going to happen 100 feet up.
But taking it step by step makes it a lot more manageable. It brings us back into the present moment, which, if we’re honest with ourselves, is the only place where we have any “control”.
And that control is not usually about our external situation, but about how we’re reacting – or not reacting – to it.

The beauty of meditation is that it allows us to break life down into even tinier pieces.
When we use our breath as an anchor, bringing us back to the present moment again and again as our minds wander off into problem-solving or fantasizing or worrying, we find a natural, built-in way to be present.
In this presence, it’s easier to be compassionate to ourselves. We do this by meditating one breath at a time.
Within this one breath, there is only the here and now. This breath is a gentle, life-giving reminder that that conversation or presentation we are dreading or rehearsing isn’t actually happening right now.
That all we can really do and know is that we are alive, here, now. This is the place where we are.