Here’s a Sample of the “Cultivating Joyful Effort” Guided Meditation Script:
Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you can be free from distractions
Let your spine be neutral and tall, rest your hands in your lap or on your thighs in a way that
promotes a release of your shoulders, and an expansion of your chest
Close your eyes, or keep your gaze soft and low, turn your attention inward
Breathe slowly and steadily in and out through your nose
Find a quiet, patient and easy, comfortable breath
Watch the breath moving in and out through your nose
(pause 3 breaths)
And then invite joy into your practice by silently contemplating your why
Joyful effort arises when we understand our purpose
Why meditate?
Why practice mindfulness?
What benefits do you hope to receive?
By understanding intention,
And why you are prioritizing your practice
The effort in practicing becomes imbued with joy, and ease
Recall why you are here,
Right now, meditating today.
Allow a deep satisfaction to arise
As you apply effort in this moment, joyfully
(pause 3 breaths)
And then with your why in mind,
Cultivate joyful effort
By shifting your awareness to the benefits you’ve already received
Through this practice of mindfulness and meditation