Here’s a Sample of the “Past, Present, Future Guided Script” Guided Meditation Script:
Take a comfortable seat in a quiet place
Drop weight down into your sitz bones,
and feel into an opposing upward, natural lift through your spine
Close your eyes to turn your attention inward
And settle your focus on your breath
Breathe patiently and quietly in and out through your nose
Stay present right here, right now
With this one breath in, and this one breath out
With a relaxed spaciousness, hold the mind still on the breath
Watch breath as if it’s the most precious thing you’ve ever seen
Curious about the breath.
Loving the breath. Grateful for breath.
Fully immerse yourself in breath awareness
(pause 3-5 breaths)
Each time you notice that your mind is no longer present with breath,
Where is it?

Have you traveled back to an imagined past?
Are you wondering or worrying about an imagined future?
Notice. Quickly label your thinking as ‘past’ or ‘future’
and then return to the present,
Return to awareness of breath
Once you’ve noticed, once you’ve applied the label, let it go
No more lingering, no asking why, come right back to the breath
Stay present, with this one breath in, and this one breath out
In love with your breath. In love with this experience of breath
Fully present with breath
(pause 3-5 breaths)
Where are you right now?
Past, future? Or present with breath?