Here’s a Sample of the “Mindfulness Body Scan for Body Awareness” Guided Meditation Script:
Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down
Closing your eyes can help turn your attention inward
Breathe slowly and patiently in and out through your nose
Notice the breath, and let a focused attention on breath
Gradually transform to a focused attention on the body itself
Notice your posture
And the felt sense of your body as a whole
For 3 to 5 cycles of breath, just be here now,
Present with body and breath
Now bring your awareness to the crown of your head
Notice what sensation is present here
Notice if this sensation has a color, size, temperature or shape?
What are the boundaries of this sensation at the crown of the head?
What are the boundaries of the crown of the head?
Can you find the center of this sensation?
Is it moving, changing? Or still?

And at any time, if you feel no sensation
Notice that too.
Just remain present and aware of that particular area of your body
Perhaps sensation will arise, perhaps not
As you notice sensation, in the crown of your head,
Notice too, how your mind labels that sensation.
How the mind describes it, and if the mind labels it as good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant
Or neutral
And notice too, your reaction to this label
Is there a reaction in the body itself? Or in your mind?
Be present with all of it
Everything is allowed here
Everything is given room
Our intention, is to simply notice
And now do the same as you shift awareness down to the space behind your eyes
Is there a temperature here? A color, a shape?
As you notice the movement of breath, in and out through your nose
Is there sensation?
And how is that sensation labeled?
Is there a reaction?