Here’s a Sample of the “Soothing Anxiety With Awareness” Guided Meditation Script:
With your eyes opened or closed, become aware of your breath
Often, the act of simply noticing changes the breath
But see if you can allow yourself to be present with the breath as it currently is
Without judgement, what do you notice about the quality of your breathing?
Notice if you’re breathing through the mouth, or through the nose
Notice the breath is short, or long, shallow, or deep
Is there a difference between the length of the breath in, and the length of the breath out?
Allow breath to be just as it is
As you take a moment to list to yourself what it is that you find
At first, silently saying words to yourself like, short, shallow, gasping
Or rough, uneven, hurried
Over time, as you practice this meditation,
You might drop the words and just feel
(pause for 3 cycles of breath)
And then intentionally, purposefully, breathe in and out through your nose if you’re not already
And take 3 full, relaxing, exhale breaths
One long breath in to prepare,
And then a long, full breath out
Two more
Easy and patient breath in,
Full and relaxed breath out
Last one
Deep, slow breath in,
Breathe all the way out