Here’s a Sample of the “Shopping Mindfully” Guided Meditation Script:
Shopping Mindfully
Going to the grocery store can send us into a state of anxiety and impatience rather quickly.
All the decisions to make, the crowds of people, and the details of our shopping lists create the perfect conditions to “check out.”
But within the busyness of shopping, this activity also provides an effective environment for mindfulness practice.
Before going inside, slow down to connect with your intention to shop mindfully.
Breathing deeply, allow the body to relax with each exhale.
Let the shoulders drop down, relax the abdomen, and release any tension in the jaw.
As you walk up to the doors, practice a few moments of walking meditation.

Feel each foot as it lifts off the ground and is placed down in front of you. Just for the moment, let go of the thoughts in the thinking mind, and relax your awareness down into the feet.
Once inside, spend a brief minute taking it all in. Check in with the six sense-doors of mindfulness: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling in the body, and thinking.
Note the colors and lights, any smells in the air, how the body is standing, the noise of the grocery store, and your state of mind. There isn’t a right or wrong answer; just tune in to your personal experience.