About Mark Coleman:

Mark Coleman has been engaged in meditation practice since 1981, primarily within the Insight meditation tradition. He has been teaching meditation retreats since 1997. His teaching is also influenced by his studies with Advaita Vedanta and Tibetan teachers in Asia and the West, and through his teacher training with Jack Kornfield. Mark primarily teaches at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, though he also teaches nationally, in Europe and India.


I was having a dinner with my friends who are teaching us which retreat up to help, and they were asking me what else I’m going to talk about. And I said, well, I’ve got this talk prepared, but I don’t think I’m going to give it. It’s really just, rather, a talk. You know, speak towards here in the room and speak to, what, once done. Unfold, just far more interesting than any prepared talk. Well, maybe. I don’t know. Who knows? And we’ll find another one. Maybe I think the prepared talk was a good idea after all. So, as I was sitting, I was reflecting on the word tenderness. So I’ve been speak and I do speak a lot about compassion as one of the essential, beautiful human qualities and one of the essential qualities in life and the spiritual path and as a beautiful, flowering, an expression of practice of awareness of awakening. And that path or journey of cultivation, cultivating of compassion is never an easy journey. We don’t just pop out and suddenly went very compassion. It’s usually just a very hard one to confronting pain, to confronting our own struggles, our own challenges, our own burdens of which we have many.

And when I think about this practice, this grounded mindfulness, awareness practice, one way of looking at it is it’s a practice of bearing witness. It’s a practice of bearing witness through ourselves, to life, to each other, to the world, to the beauty and the tragedy of life. And if we do that fully, wholeheartedly in every corner of our lives, one of the things that arises is we come to be intimate with our own humanity and our own vulnerability. You could say, one of the nature, one of the fundamental aspects of being human, and being in a body is to be vulnerable. We are vulnerable. Period. And sometimes, that’s looked upon as a weakness or something to be overcame, to be strong, and to be all those things. But the truth is, it’s vulnerable to be human, to be in a body, in a heart, to be susceptible to sickness, to death, to loss, to hardships, uncertainty. And so, that vulnerability, if it’s to be met, it’s to be met fully, it requires the tenderness. The tenderness to meet our human-ness.

And so I was reflecting on tenderness as I was sitting. I was feeling a lot of tenderness, both in my experience and reflecting on tenderness in my life and then my day actually. I’m thinking all the different ways that tenderness informed and came out of the different things I did today.

And I was reminded of when I was, I started my Buddhist training with an organization in England. I was in this ordination process. And one of the things that, as part of the training was we were asked to give some spontaneous talks and someone in the audience would just give you a theme and you had to give a talk about it, which was I was 22 and petrified. And someone, and people just shouted out randomly, somewhat intuitively, but randomly. And someone said, “Give a talk about tenderness.” And I was clueless. I don’t know what to say about tenderness. I was 22, for God’s sake.

But you know, I had enough ___ was all in that moment to sort of drop in to my experience and to reflect that actually that quality does permeate our experience in different ways, in different ways we relate to us, each other, to nature, to loved ones, to animals, to different things.

And so, I probably planned to ___ a reflection, conscious and unconscious about what does it mean to live with tenderness? Sometimes, it’s a usual quality we reserve or think is reserved for our loved one, our ___, animals perhaps.

But I thought about a- just a various, ordinary, simple interactions that I’ve had today in the last few days and just distracted by the tenderness, the tenderness of being human. So, on the phone with the students, psychiatrists, wonderful, amazing practioner and works with cancer patients, has done for 30 years, and she’s telling me about this patient she’s working with, who is a bone cancer, I believe, I think ___ all the details. She’s going for a bone marrow transfusion. Just a 1% chance of surviving. Pretty much the whole entire staff have given up on him. She’s that to be that psychological emotional report. And she was reporting of how she’s feeling the very fear and heartache and physiology that the patient’s experiencing coming out of the tenderness in which she’s holding and not running form this person. That means pain and ___ of facing certain death, almost. And I was talking to a student today and friend who is experiencing the pain of ___, of lost, of profound lost of a parent, and as it happens in this mystery we call life that at times, usually when we have the capacity and strength to re-experience and re-integrate those very traumatic experiences when we were young, he’s working through that experience. Meeting up with a very beautiful tenderness and again, I’m just touched by how tender life is, you know, that we carry within us these wounds. I don’t like that wound. It’s a little bit too pathologizing, but these tender places that guide and inform our life and decisions consciously and unconsciously, and asking for healing and to be met with the tender awareness. Tender heart, yeah? We can’t meet those with hostility or rejection, and heal. Usually, the very react and often our initial reaction is to ___ that we receive in the first place and becomes re-traumatizing. So, you can maybe, think for yourself the different ways that you maybe invited to feel your own tenderness. Maybe it’s the frailty of your body. A different of mine who’s doing a lot of work within near death experience and feeling her essential, existential aloneness.

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129K Subscribers 1.4K Videos 6.6M Views
Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain 10:14
Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

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Follow Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
Connect Community for Mindfulness Teachers: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/connect-mindfulness-community/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.
5.2K Views 22 Likes 1 Comments
Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice  |  Daily Commute Meditation 01:56
Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice | Daily Commute Meditation
#mindfulness #dailymeditation #meditationpractice
Learn more about how to certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

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Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

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Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness
48K Views 685 Likes 0 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises  - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast 10:08
Mindfulness Exercises - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast
Listen to this podcast episode on our website:

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What makes teaching mindfulness unique

Kevin reminds us why teaching mindfulness is unlike teaching anything else. As mindfulness teachers, we offer a practice and help people learn for themselves versus merely giving them information. Motivating others to practice lets them experience their own insights.

“What we really want to do is get people excited about [the] practice, we want them to want to practice, we want to inspire them.”

The importance of exploring what drives you to teach

While we might come to teaching with lofty goals of enlightening the world, that may not be our only motivation. We may feel a responsibility to keep a particular tradition alive, serve a unique population, or practice right livelihood.

“Hopefully our primary goal is to serve people, and I think for many of us, that’s what motivates us….Our lives are so transformed we just really want to share it.”

The significance of challenge in our own practice

If we have a consistent practice, we’ve likely faced challenges and hardship along our journey. This experience allows us to help others through the same difficulties. Also, we can only sit with the pain of others to the extent we’ve worked through our own pain. As teachers, we’re often asked to heal others, but fixing can be a form of aversion.

“The capacity to hear people’s pain … without having to fix it, that’s what allows me/ allows you to hear your own wisdom.”

Holding space for differences

Group facilitation skills and our personal practice help us remain grounded when dealing with shy or dominant students, or those in a group who are undergoing crises. Being patient, open and educated is also important when it comes to holding space for those with varying life experiences.

“Each of us, particularly white people, really have a responsibility to educate ourselves around racism.”

What you teach depends on who you teach

What you might teach depends on who you are teaching. That said, there are foundational topics worth teaching to everyone. Kevin offers a list of basic and advanced mindfulness topics we might present to students. It’s also useful to spend time defining mindfulness itself and the importance of letting go.

“Here I am telling people how to let go, or how to let go of control, and instead they’re always asking me, how can I control, how can I control my mind. And I keep telling them that’s not what I’m teaching you, I’m teaching you how to be with the experience, not to fix it.”

On the business of teaching mindfulness

Who we teach and where influences the topics we choose and what we might need additional training in. For example MBSR training is particularly helpful for working in hospitals or helping clients manage depression and anxiety. But if you’re teaching mindfulness to children, your training will be different. Kevin offers suggestions on how to get started as a teacher and emphasizes leaning on your own personal practice as a guide.

“This is just an ongoing process of trying to understand what’s the most helpful way to teach. And that’s meant for me, always, first and foremost, my own practice.”

This talk is a brief version of Kevin’s live presentation to our Mindfulness Teacher Trainees. You can learn more about that program at teach.mindfulnessexercises.com
#mindfulness #podcast #meditation
23K Views 161 Likes 2 Comments
Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo 13:02
Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Download our evidence-based Brandable Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum that you can adapt, brand, teach and monetize for your audience:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

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Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness
37K Views 294 Likes 0 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises   Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness 12:25
Mindfulness Exercises Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness
Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

How often do we bring sustained gentle awareness to the head? What do we notice when we tune into all the different areas of our face and head? Is there room to soften any tension we come across?

Sean Fargo leads a guided mindfulness meditation that invites us to sense into the head with caring curiosity for what we can feel.

This meditation comes from Sean Fargo’s mindfulness and meditation retreat held online in June 2022.

Join our next online mindfulness and meditation retreat:

Listen to the Mindfulness Exercises Podcast:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

#mindfulness #meditation #retreat
49K Views 284 Likes 0 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th -  April 17th 01:47
Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th - April 17th
Join Our Online Mindfulness & meditation Retreat, "Developing Your Presence, Self-Compassion & Resilience" Friday, April 15th - Sunday, April 17th

#mindfulness #retreat #teachmindfulness
18K Views 254 Likes 1 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers 03:41
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers with Sean Fargo
#mindfulness #MindfulnessExercises #teachmindfulness
Learn more about how to certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

Instantly download 300 mindfulness worksheets:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness
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Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff 21:01
Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff
Kristin Neff leads this loving-kindness meditation. It is a practice designed to generate feelings of goodwill and kindness, both for others and ourselves. This practice is not about wishful thinking; rather, it is a practice that sets our intention on kindness.

Learn more about Kristin Neff and self-compassion:

Check out additional guided practices led by Kristin Neff:

#mindfulness #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #kristinneff #lovingkindness #compassion #goodwill #teachmindfulness #presence #awareness
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10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach 10:41
10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach
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This soft and soothing 10-minute guided meditation is led by Tara Brach. It is a simple practice that guides us into deeper presence, helping us to ground into the breath, the body, and the open spaciousness around us. Once grounded, the meditation leaves us to sink into silence before closing the practice with the sound of a bell.

Download this guided meditation:

Learn more about Tara Brach:

Listen to more guided practices by Tara Brach:

Access hundreds of free audio meditations, mindfulness worksheets and guided meditation scripts: https://www.MindfulnessExercises.com.

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

#mindfulness #meditation #tarabrach
37K Views 317 Likes 7 Comments
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care 21:53
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress
#mindfulness #guidedmeditation #mindfulnessmeditation

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20K Views 134 Likes 10 Comments
Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers 03:43
Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers
Become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. Join our online Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training program. Improve your skills and confidence to teach and make a difference. Teach mindfulness and meditation in professional settings, and gain the trust of your corporate teams, organizations, coaching clients, patients, students and individuals.

Our program includes brandable curriculum, worksheets and scripts for you to share with your students.
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

Gain access to 365 brandable mindfulness social media templates:

Listen to the Mindfulness Exercises Podcast:

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Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
Connect Community for Mindfulness Teachers: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/connect-mindfulness-community/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

#certification #teacher #mindfulness #meditation
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Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo 20:54
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

Sean Fargo leads a gentle body scan meditation before inviting us to tune in with greater attention to the heart and the belly. This practice invites us to note the different types of energy and sensations present in these two areas of the body.

This clip comes from Sean Fargo’s online mindfulness and meditation retreat held in February 2022.

Join Sean Fargo’s next online mindfulness and meditation retreat:

Find out how to certify as a mindfulness meditation teacher:

Discover more free guided meditations by Sean Fargo on Insight Timer:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

#mindfulness #meditation #retreat
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129K Subscribers 1.4K Videos 6.6M Views
Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain 10:14
Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

Learn more about Oren Jay Sofer:

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Follow Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
Connect Community for Mindfulness Teachers: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/connect-mindfulness-community/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.
5.2K Views 22 Likes 1 Comments
Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice  |  Daily Commute Meditation 01:56
Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice | Daily Commute Meditation
#mindfulness #dailymeditation #meditationpractice
Learn more about how to certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

Instantly download 300 mindfulness worksheets:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness
48K Views 685 Likes 0 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises  - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast 10:08
Mindfulness Exercises - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast
Listen to this podcast episode on our website:

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What makes teaching mindfulness unique

Kevin reminds us why teaching mindfulness is unlike teaching anything else. As mindfulness teachers, we offer a practice and help people learn for themselves versus merely giving them information. Motivating others to practice lets them experience their own insights.

“What we really want to do is get people excited about [the] practice, we want them to want to practice, we want to inspire them.”

The importance of exploring what drives you to teach

While we might come to teaching with lofty goals of enlightening the world, that may not be our only motivation. We may feel a responsibility to keep a particular tradition alive, serve a unique population, or practice right livelihood.

“Hopefully our primary goal is to serve people, and I think for many of us, that’s what motivates us….Our lives are so transformed we just really want to share it.”

The significance of challenge in our own practice

If we have a consistent practice, we’ve likely faced challenges and hardship along our journey. This experience allows us to help others through the same difficulties. Also, we can only sit with the pain of others to the extent we’ve worked through our own pain. As teachers, we’re often asked to heal others, but fixing can be a form of aversion.

“The capacity to hear people’s pain … without having to fix it, that’s what allows me/ allows you to hear your own wisdom.”

Holding space for differences

Group facilitation skills and our personal practice help us remain grounded when dealing with shy or dominant students, or those in a group who are undergoing crises. Being patient, open and educated is also important when it comes to holding space for those with varying life experiences.

“Each of us, particularly white people, really have a responsibility to educate ourselves around racism.”

What you teach depends on who you teach

What you might teach depends on who you are teaching. That said, there are foundational topics worth teaching to everyone. Kevin offers a list of basic and advanced mindfulness topics we might present to students. It’s also useful to spend time defining mindfulness itself and the importance of letting go.

“Here I am telling people how to let go, or how to let go of control, and instead they’re always asking me, how can I control, how can I control my mind. And I keep telling them that’s not what I’m teaching you, I’m teaching you how to be with the experience, not to fix it.”

On the business of teaching mindfulness

Who we teach and where influences the topics we choose and what we might need additional training in. For example MBSR training is particularly helpful for working in hospitals or helping clients manage depression and anxiety. But if you’re teaching mindfulness to children, your training will be different. Kevin offers suggestions on how to get started as a teacher and emphasizes leaning on your own personal practice as a guide.

“This is just an ongoing process of trying to understand what’s the most helpful way to teach. And that’s meant for me, always, first and foremost, my own practice.”

This talk is a brief version of Kevin’s live presentation to our Mindfulness Teacher Trainees. You can learn more about that program at teach.mindfulnessexercises.com
#mindfulness #podcast #meditation
23K Views 161 Likes 2 Comments
Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo 13:02
Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Download our evidence-based Brandable Mindfulness Teaching Curriculum that you can adapt, brand, teach and monetize for your audience:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

Instantly download 300 mindfulness worksheets:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness
37K Views 294 Likes 0 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises   Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness 12:25
Mindfulness Exercises Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness
Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

How often do we bring sustained gentle awareness to the head? What do we notice when we tune into all the different areas of our face and head? Is there room to soften any tension we come across?

Sean Fargo leads a guided mindfulness meditation that invites us to sense into the head with caring curiosity for what we can feel.

This meditation comes from Sean Fargo’s mindfulness and meditation retreat held online in June 2022.

Join our next online mindfulness and meditation retreat:

Listen to the Mindfulness Exercises Podcast:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

#mindfulness #meditation #retreat
49K Views 284 Likes 0 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th -  April 17th 01:47
Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th - April 17th
Join Our Online Mindfulness & meditation Retreat, "Developing Your Presence, Self-Compassion & Resilience" Friday, April 15th - Sunday, April 17th

#mindfulness #retreat #teachmindfulness
18K Views 254 Likes 1 Comments
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers 03:41
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers with Sean Fargo
#mindfulness #MindfulnessExercises #teachmindfulness
Learn more about how to certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

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Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff 21:01
Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff
Kristin Neff leads this loving-kindness meditation. It is a practice designed to generate feelings of goodwill and kindness, both for others and ourselves. This practice is not about wishful thinking; rather, it is a practice that sets our intention on kindness.

Learn more about Kristin Neff and self-compassion:

Check out additional guided practices led by Kristin Neff:

#mindfulness #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation #kristinneff #lovingkindness #compassion #goodwill #teachmindfulness #presence #awareness
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10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach 10:41
10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach
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This soft and soothing 10-minute guided meditation is led by Tara Brach. It is a simple practice that guides us into deeper presence, helping us to ground into the breath, the body, and the open spaciousness around us. Once grounded, the meditation leaves us to sink into silence before closing the practice with the sound of a bell.

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Listen to more guided practices by Tara Brach:

Access hundreds of free audio meditations, mindfulness worksheets and guided meditation scripts: https://www.MindfulnessExercises.com.

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

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What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care 21:53
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress
#mindfulness #guidedmeditation #mindfulnessmeditation

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Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers 03:43
Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers
Become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. Join our online Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training program. Improve your skills and confidence to teach and make a difference. Teach mindfulness and meditation in professional settings, and gain the trust of your corporate teams, organizations, coaching clients, patients, students and individuals.

Our program includes brandable curriculum, worksheets and scripts for you to share with your students.
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

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Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
Connect Community for Mindfulness Teachers: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/connect-mindfulness-community/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
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Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

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Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo 20:54
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

Sean Fargo leads a gentle body scan meditation before inviting us to tune in with greater attention to the heart and the belly. This practice invites us to note the different types of energy and sensations present in these two areas of the body.

This clip comes from Sean Fargo’s online mindfulness and meditation retreat held in February 2022.

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Find out how to certify as a mindfulness meditation teacher:

Discover more free guided meditations by Sean Fargo on Insight Timer:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

#mindfulness #meditation #retreat
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