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September 28, 2020
Noticing Your Helpers. Bring to mind anyone who has ever helped you in your life & you remember each one, invite them to sit in the sky ahead you.
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Here’s a Sample of the “Noticing Your Helpers” Guided Meditation Script:

Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you can be free from distractions
Whether you’re on a chair or the floor, sit tall with a neutral spine
Close your eyes, and breathe in and out through your nose
Take a few cycles of breath to settle into your seat,
And to settle the energy of your mind

(pause 3-5 breaths)

And then now that you’ve arrived,
Invite in your helpers.

Bring to mind anyone who has ever helped you in your life
And you remember each one, invite them to sit in the sky ahead of you,
And see them there, looking down and smiling upon where you are
right here, and right now

Remember all the way back to your mother and father perhaps
Or your family, those who helped raise you
Recall who it was who taught you the most basic survival skills in life
Who taught you eat, how to brush your teeth, how to tie your shoes

Noticing Your Helpers, Noticing Your Helpers

Recall all the traditional teachers and helpers in your life
Remembering who taught you how to read
How to critically think
Who taught you how to ask questions, or wonder

And then also invite in those who occupy non-traditional roles
Someone you know who helped you by simply being an example, or a listener,
Or someone who was an inspiration

And then maybe there have been helpers in your life who appeared in challenging ways,
Forceful, even wrathful perhaps
And if you’d like to, invite them too,
to sit up there with the others, smiling down upon you

About the author 

Sara-Mai Conway

Sara-Mai Conway is a writer, yoga and meditation instructor living and working in Baja Sur, Mexico. In addition to online offerings, she teaches donation-based community classes in her tiny, off-grid hometown on the Pacific coast. She is a certified 500-hour Remedial Yoga and Applied Mindfulness Advanced teacher with Bodhi Yoga Spain under the Independent Yoga Network (UK).