***To donate to Jack Kornfield directly, please visit JackKornfield.com/Dana

Other talks by Jack Kornfield:

“So, we were just sitting for half an hour or so practicing mindfulness, which I also like to translate as loving awareness. The quality of presence that combines knowing what’s present with an open heart to receive with love or compassion, this human life this human experience. And in that way, this form of meditation, because there’s lots of good forms of meditation, but this form of meditation that’s mindfulness is not oriented toward achieving a particular state or experience but rather an invitation for a shift of perspective, to quiet ourselves, quiet the mind a little bit and listen and to remember what matters to us or to remember who we really are.

The Christian mystic Simone Weil says, “The danger is not that the soul should doubt whether there is any bread but that, by a lie, it should persuade itself it is not hungry.”

And she’s really speaking to the way that we can lose ourselves in the busyness and complexity and demands and difficulties of life and somehow not have the time to stop and listen to what matters most deeply to us.

And it becomes especially important because we’re in a time, at least as I’ve been teaching in this last year or more, of a tremendous amount of cultural anxiety. I could ask how many people in this room have experienced anxiety in this last but don’t bother raising your hand. And increase in addictions of all kinds, certainly the opioid crisis but whether it’s the addiction to the Internet or shopping or keeping ourselves busy are all consuming or all those things are news, not to speak of continuing war and racism and the environmental issues and destruction that are happening, all of those things and it’s so important in some way to have a bigger picture because otherwise what we forget and we lose touch with the possibilities of the heart and the possibilities of living from a place of greater wisdom in the midst of these challenges.

We live in this human body, you get a human incarnation, and the best description of it is “mystery”.

How did you get in there? How did you get into that body with little patches of fur in certain places or you lose the fur. But anyway, and it grows in other places and that’s what my friend Wes Niska who teaches here says, “Yeah the hard parts become soft and the soft parts become hard as you age.” But it’s weird, you know. I’ve talked about there’s a hole at one end of the body in which you stuff dead plants and animals and glug them down through the tube and these weird eyeballs and ears that stick out, mine quite a bit, you know. You ambulate by falling one direction and catching yourself in the other way. I mean, how did you get in there, you know? And what are we going to do with this human life? So, it’s mysterious.

And then the Buddhist texts begin, some of them with the phrase, “Oh, nobly born. Oh, you who are the sons and daughters of the awakened ones of the Buddhas of the awakened ones, remember who you really are.”.

This poem from Juan Ramon Jimenez called, Yo No Soy Yo.” I am not I. “I am not I. I am this one walking beside me whom I do not see, whom at times, I manage to visit and at other times I forget. The one who remains silent when I talk. The one who forgives sweet when I hate. The one who takes a walk when I am indoors. The one who will remain standing when I die.” And he is really talking to us about some reality that’s not just the small sense of self or kind of limited identity but that we are actually beings of spirit that when you were conceived or when you were born, there is a spirit that comes into this body that you get and when you die. If you’ve had that privilege of sitting with someone as they die.

It’s kind of a remarkable thing. Essentially, it’s a conscious death. There’s that moment when they’re alive and they’re there and then you can see or feel their consciousness spirit leaves the body and then it’s just you know stuff it’s not them anymore. It’s wild. And of course, the really wild thing is it’s going to happen to you. Ooh. Uh oh, you know.

So, when we sit, we take our seat in the middle of this human mystery of our life and we learn somehow with loving awareness and mindfulness to step out of the plot, the small sense of self so we can bow with what arises to our feelings and thoughts and sensations and stories and you can name them and they all come and we become the loving awareness.

And so, the heart grows in a kind of spaciousness or courage or compassion. But it’s not all that easy. Oh, come and sit and breathe in and out and everything, inviting ease and calm because as you get quieter, you get the unfinished business of the heart; the tears you haven’t wept, the longing you carry, the fears or anxiety or restlessness that’s in there or the doubts about yourself or others.

You also get waves of joy and delight. Some people are so loyal to their suffering they don’t know what to do with all that good stuff when it comes. It’s unfamiliar to them and you discover, as Whitman says, “I am large. I contain multitudes,” and little by little there comes a kind of trust that you can be with all the waves of experience that are your humanity and rest in the center of them with loving awareness or rest and a kind of openness, the trust grows.

But when it gets really bad, I know this from leading many retreats here and people will be sitting and walking on retreat as they do here, we have wee long and month long, two month retreats of silent practice, and then they get really restless or really bored or really frightened or whatever and the first instruction is to name it gently and make space for it and bring compassion to whatever difficult experience.

And then when it gets really really bad, the instruction is, all right, you’re so restless. Let yourself be the first person to die of restlessness at Spirit Rock in 2018. Just say, “Okay, take me I can’t stand it.” And what happens when you’re so bored or so restless or so frightened or whatever that state is that’s difficult when you say, “All right take me,” is that it gets easier because most of the difficulty is actually your resistance to the experience. And when you say, “All right, I’ll die of restlessness. Restless, restless, dying, dying.” OK. And then of course you think I wonder what they’re going to have for dinner, you know? Because the mind has no pride, right?

But you begin to realize that you have the capacity, because who you are is awareness, you have the capacity you have within you, the great heart of compassion and awareness itself, to be present for this human life which it is means to be awake and to do so in a way that’s liberating.

Now sometimes this happens in small ways, little by little we learn how to tolerate and be with things that are difficult moment to moment. And sometimes it comes through what I’m going to talk about more night which is initiation and using the language of initiation is a way of honoring and reframing the difficulties that you go through. How many of you have gone through a lot of difficulties? Don’t raise your hands, alright. But it’s honoring the importance of the difficulties that we go through.

So, initiation. You all know or probably have heard historically and culturally and so forth that traditional cultures particularly value and celebrate the power of initiation so that, for example if you you’re a young man among the Maasai people in East Africa, to prove your manhood you will go out with a spear or whatever and you know, kill a lion. Now there aren’t so many lions left unfortunately but it’s a way of facing some great danger and showing that you’re ready to be included in the community not as a child anymore but as a man.

And there are initiations for women – not just having children. I have a friend who lived with, for a long time, with a group of people way up in the Guatemalan Mayan community. And over several years a woman went through their very deep initiation which required all kinds of difficult things to become seen as a woman in that community.

And I know when I was a monk in Thailand and Burma and so forth, it used to be that every young person in Thailand either as a teenager or when they turned 19 or 20, would shave their heads as a young man or often as a young woman as a nun and go and spend a year in the temple and you were considered not ripe. You were like a green piece of fruit until you had done that and that year in the temple, yes you would learn to make prayers and sit in meditation but you would also go out with your , bowl and you would eat once a day whatever food was given to you and you’d have to learn to trust the world that you’d would have enough to eat.

And you’d have to sit up all night on new moon and full moon and quarter moon days and not move and sit on the stone floor and just learn how to be with the pain and pleasure and fear and so forth and somehow going through those difficulties it was said, that’s what ripens the spirit of these young people so that then they’re ready to go out and participate in the society as an initiated person. Of course, I’m sorry to tell you that what initiation most prepares you for is further initiation but that’s a whole other story.

Initiation in another language means that you have to go through a narrow place that’s so difficult to get through you can’t take your baggage with you. It sort of strips you down in some difficult way.

And this from the Zen teacher Karlfried Durckheim, he says, “The person who really being on the way falls upon hard times in the world will not as a consequence turn to those friends who offer them refuge and comfort and encourage the old self to survive. Rather they will seek out someone who will faithfully and inexorably help them to risk themself so that they may endure the difficulty and pass courageously through it. Only to the extent that a person exposes themself over and over again to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found within them. In this daring lies dignity and the true spirit of awakening.”.

So, this is initiation and sometimes it’s a calling that you feel, a spiritual calling or a longing, you have to do something, you have to show prove yourself, go through something difficult, a vision quest or a retreat or a sabbatical or a time out in nature and often it comes to unbidden. And in these last days I’ve been visiting some close friends who are in the hospital with some major difficulties, strokes and other kinds of things, it also can come collectively as our cultural anxiety moment that we’re in.

And in Greek it’s called a katobas – which means a below, a crisis that comes. You’re going along tootling along with your life and then all of a sudden something happens and your life changes. And it will happen, just in case you hadn’t noticed. It does happen to us as people. And it requires you to step out of the ordinary way that you’re moving along in your life and learn something new through that crisis or difficulty individually or perhaps now for us collectively as a culture. In some way we’re in the process of some deep cultural initiation – just as an individual might.

And so now I want to shift the language and talk in a more mythological or archetypal way. Because one of the things that seems to have happened in recent years culturally is that the furies have been released. And in ancient Greece the Furies, they have various names to them, but there are Furies, a vengeance and hatred and so forth, they appear when truth is not being honored, when oaths are not being kept, when the kind of honorable respect that people have pledged their life to or devoted themselves to in some collective way or individual way has been undermined and betrayed.

And the thing about when the Furies are released is that, in the Greek mythology anyway, nothing can stop them which is not very good news. I mean, that’s how powerful they are, and we can see it in a certain way collectively. But then there was, as you read in the Greek myths, there was finally a resolution to the Furies that came from the political and societal betrayals in ancient Greece and so forth, and that is when the goddess Athena invited them into her temple, the goddess of wisdom, and made a place for them in the temple of wisdom and said you too have a place here and made an altar and an honor and said even the Furies that arise in us out of deep betrayal and so forth a vengeance and all those, if they can be held in the temple of wisdom then we can all come together again.

So, I leave that for you to reflect on what that could mean for us and maybe a little bit of this will get clearer as I speak.”

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Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain 10:14
Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain
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Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice  |  Daily Commute Meditation 01:56
Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice | Daily Commute Meditation
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Mindfulness Exercises  - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast 10:08
Mindfulness Exercises - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast
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What makes teaching mindfulness unique

Kevin reminds us why teaching mindfulness is unlike teaching anything else. As mindfulness teachers, we offer a practice and help people learn for themselves versus merely giving them information. Motivating others to practice lets them experience their own insights.

“What we really want to do is get people excited about [the] practice, we want them to want to practice, we want to inspire them.”

The importance of exploring what drives you to teach

While we might come to teaching with lofty goals of enlightening the world, that may not be our only motivation. We may feel a responsibility to keep a particular tradition alive, serve a unique population, or practice right livelihood.

“Hopefully our primary goal is to serve people, and I think for many of us, that’s what motivates us….Our lives are so transformed we just really want to share it.”

The significance of challenge in our own practice

If we have a consistent practice, we’ve likely faced challenges and hardship along our journey. This experience allows us to help others through the same difficulties. Also, we can only sit with the pain of others to the extent we’ve worked through our own pain. As teachers, we’re often asked to heal others, but fixing can be a form of aversion.

“The capacity to hear people’s pain … without having to fix it, that’s what allows me/ allows you to hear your own wisdom.”

Holding space for differences

Group facilitation skills and our personal practice help us remain grounded when dealing with shy or dominant students, or those in a group who are undergoing crises. Being patient, open and educated is also important when it comes to holding space for those with varying life experiences.

“Each of us, particularly white people, really have a responsibility to educate ourselves around racism.”

What you teach depends on who you teach

What you might teach depends on who you are teaching. That said, there are foundational topics worth teaching to everyone. Kevin offers a list of basic and advanced mindfulness topics we might present to students. It’s also useful to spend time defining mindfulness itself and the importance of letting go.

“Here I am telling people how to let go, or how to let go of control, and instead they’re always asking me, how can I control, how can I control my mind. And I keep telling them that’s not what I’m teaching you, I’m teaching you how to be with the experience, not to fix it.”

On the business of teaching mindfulness

Who we teach and where influences the topics we choose and what we might need additional training in. For example MBSR training is particularly helpful for working in hospitals or helping clients manage depression and anxiety. But if you’re teaching mindfulness to children, your training will be different. Kevin offers suggestions on how to get started as a teacher and emphasizes leaning on your own personal practice as a guide.

“This is just an ongoing process of trying to understand what’s the most helpful way to teach. And that’s meant for me, always, first and foremost, my own practice.”

This talk is a brief version of Kevin’s live presentation to our Mindfulness Teacher Trainees. You can learn more about that program at teach.mindfulnessexercises.com
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Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo 13:02
Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo
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Mindfulness Exercises   Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness 12:25
Mindfulness Exercises Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness
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How often do we bring sustained gentle awareness to the head? What do we notice when we tune into all the different areas of our face and head? Is there room to soften any tension we come across?

Sean Fargo leads a guided mindfulness meditation that invites us to sense into the head with caring curiosity for what we can feel.

This meditation comes from Sean Fargo’s mindfulness and meditation retreat held online in June 2022.

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Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th -  April 17th 01:47
Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th - April 17th
Join Our Online Mindfulness & meditation Retreat, "Developing Your Presence, Self-Compassion & Resilience" Friday, April 15th - Sunday, April 17th

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Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers 03:41
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers with Sean Fargo
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Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
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Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff 21:01
Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff
Kristin Neff leads this loving-kindness meditation. It is a practice designed to generate feelings of goodwill and kindness, both for others and ourselves. This practice is not about wishful thinking; rather, it is a practice that sets our intention on kindness.

Learn more about Kristin Neff and self-compassion:

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10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach 10:41
10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach
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This soft and soothing 10-minute guided meditation is led by Tara Brach. It is a simple practice that guides us into deeper presence, helping us to ground into the breath, the body, and the open spaciousness around us. Once grounded, the meditation leaves us to sink into silence before closing the practice with the sound of a bell.

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What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care 21:53
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress
#mindfulness #guidedmeditation #mindfulnessmeditation

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Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers 03:43
Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers
Become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. Join our online Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training program. Improve your skills and confidence to teach and make a difference. Teach mindfulness and meditation in professional settings, and gain the trust of your corporate teams, organizations, coaching clients, patients, students and individuals.

Our program includes brandable curriculum, worksheets and scripts for you to share with your students.
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Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo 20:54
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

Sean Fargo leads a gentle body scan meditation before inviting us to tune in with greater attention to the heart and the belly. This practice invites us to note the different types of energy and sensations present in these two areas of the body.

This clip comes from Sean Fargo’s online mindfulness and meditation retreat held in February 2022.

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Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

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Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain 10:14
Guided Visualization for Chronic Pain
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Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice  |  Daily Commute Meditation 01:56
Daily Mindfulness Meditation Practice | Daily Commute Meditation
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Mindfulness Exercises  - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast 10:08
Mindfulness Exercises - Teaching Mindfulness Can Seem Scary - Mindfulness Exercises Podcast
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What makes teaching mindfulness unique

Kevin reminds us why teaching mindfulness is unlike teaching anything else. As mindfulness teachers, we offer a practice and help people learn for themselves versus merely giving them information. Motivating others to practice lets them experience their own insights.

“What we really want to do is get people excited about [the] practice, we want them to want to practice, we want to inspire them.”

The importance of exploring what drives you to teach

While we might come to teaching with lofty goals of enlightening the world, that may not be our only motivation. We may feel a responsibility to keep a particular tradition alive, serve a unique population, or practice right livelihood.

“Hopefully our primary goal is to serve people, and I think for many of us, that’s what motivates us….Our lives are so transformed we just really want to share it.”

The significance of challenge in our own practice

If we have a consistent practice, we’ve likely faced challenges and hardship along our journey. This experience allows us to help others through the same difficulties. Also, we can only sit with the pain of others to the extent we’ve worked through our own pain. As teachers, we’re often asked to heal others, but fixing can be a form of aversion.

“The capacity to hear people’s pain … without having to fix it, that’s what allows me/ allows you to hear your own wisdom.”

Holding space for differences

Group facilitation skills and our personal practice help us remain grounded when dealing with shy or dominant students, or those in a group who are undergoing crises. Being patient, open and educated is also important when it comes to holding space for those with varying life experiences.

“Each of us, particularly white people, really have a responsibility to educate ourselves around racism.”

What you teach depends on who you teach

What you might teach depends on who you are teaching. That said, there are foundational topics worth teaching to everyone. Kevin offers a list of basic and advanced mindfulness topics we might present to students. It’s also useful to spend time defining mindfulness itself and the importance of letting go.

“Here I am telling people how to let go, or how to let go of control, and instead they’re always asking me, how can I control, how can I control my mind. And I keep telling them that’s not what I’m teaching you, I’m teaching you how to be with the experience, not to fix it.”

On the business of teaching mindfulness

Who we teach and where influences the topics we choose and what we might need additional training in. For example MBSR training is particularly helpful for working in hospitals or helping clients manage depression and anxiety. But if you’re teaching mindfulness to children, your training will be different. Kevin offers suggestions on how to get started as a teacher and emphasizes leaning on your own personal practice as a guide.

“This is just an ongoing process of trying to understand what’s the most helpful way to teach. And that’s meant for me, always, first and foremost, my own practice.”

This talk is a brief version of Kevin’s live presentation to our Mindfulness Teacher Trainees. You can learn more about that program at teach.mindfulnessexercises.com
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Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo 13:02
Behind The Scenes - Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program with Sean Fargo
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

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Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness
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Mindfulness Exercises   Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness 12:25
Mindfulness Exercises Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness
Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

How often do we bring sustained gentle awareness to the head? What do we notice when we tune into all the different areas of our face and head? Is there room to soften any tension we come across?

Sean Fargo leads a guided mindfulness meditation that invites us to sense into the head with caring curiosity for what we can feel.

This meditation comes from Sean Fargo’s mindfulness and meditation retreat held online in June 2022.

Join our next online mindfulness and meditation retreat:

Listen to the Mindfulness Exercises Podcast:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

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Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th -  April 17th 01:47
Mindfulness Exercises - Online Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat April 15th - April 17th
Join Our Online Mindfulness & meditation Retreat, "Developing Your Presence, Self-Compassion & Resilience" Friday, April 15th - Sunday, April 17th

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Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers 03:41
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers
Mindfulness Exercises - Imposter Syndrome For New Mindfulness Teachers with Sean Fargo
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Learn more about how to certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Listen to more guided meditations led by Sean Fargo:

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Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness
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Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff 21:01
Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff
Kristin Neff leads this loving-kindness meditation. It is a practice designed to generate feelings of goodwill and kindness, both for others and ourselves. This practice is not about wishful thinking; rather, it is a practice that sets our intention on kindness.

Learn more about Kristin Neff and self-compassion:

Check out additional guided practices led by Kristin Neff:

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10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach 10:41
10-Minute Guided Meditation by Tara Brach
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This soft and soothing 10-minute guided meditation is led by Tara Brach. It is a simple practice that guides us into deeper presence, helping us to ground into the breath, the body, and the open spaciousness around us. Once grounded, the meditation leaves us to sink into silence before closing the practice with the sound of a bell.

Download this guided meditation:

Learn more about Tara Brach:

Listen to more guided practices by Tara Brach:

Access hundreds of free audio meditations, mindfulness worksheets and guided meditation scripts: https://www.MindfulnessExercises.com.

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

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What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care 21:53
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Guided Mindfulness Meditation Breathing with Care
What do you do in mindfulness meditation? Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress
#mindfulness #guidedmeditation #mindfulnessmeditation

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Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers 03:43
Unlocking the Benefits of Mindfulness: Certification for Teachers
Become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. Join our online Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training program. Improve your skills and confidence to teach and make a difference. Teach mindfulness and meditation in professional settings, and gain the trust of your corporate teams, organizations, coaching clients, patients, students and individuals.

Our program includes brandable curriculum, worksheets and scripts for you to share with your students.
Certify to teach mindfulness meditation:

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

Gain access to 365 brandable mindfulness social media templates:

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Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
Connect Community for Mindfulness Teachers: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/connect-mindfulness-community/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

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Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo 20:54
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo
Tuning Into Heart and Belly – Guided Meditation With Sean Fargo

Try our FREE 100 Day Mindfulness Challenge here: https://mindfulnessexercises.com/100-day-mindfulness-challenge/

Sean Fargo leads a gentle body scan meditation before inviting us to tune in with greater attention to the heart and the belly. This practice invites us to note the different types of energy and sensations present in these two areas of the body.

This clip comes from Sean Fargo’s online mindfulness and meditation retreat held in February 2022.

Join Sean Fargo’s next online mindfulness and meditation retreat:

Find out how to certify as a mindfulness meditation teacher:

Discover more free guided meditations by Sean Fargo on Insight Timer:

Subscribe for more free mindfulness meditations and talks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mindfulnessexercisesfree?sub_confirmation=1

Follow More Mindfulness Exercises on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Mindfulness.Exercises/

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3lAdrHUsuGm6RESDtA8LDC

Mindfulness Exercises Website: http://mindfulnessexercises.com/
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Website: https://teach.mindfulnessexercises.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mindfulness-exercises/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/exercising.mindfulness

Note: The information provided by Mindfulness Exercises does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational and educational purposes and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

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