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  • Guided Meditation For Healing

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May 1, 2015

This guided meditation  by Boho Beautiful harnesses the power of our mind and energy to allow you to bring more positive energy to attract and manifest healing from within.

This guided meditation is focused on healing that which is troubling your body or your mind today. May it be a physical injury, emotional heart ache, stress, anxiety or illness. Using the power of our mind and energy, this meditation will allow you to bring more healing and positive energy to attract and manifest healing from within.


When you start your meditation practice its easy to not know what to expect or even to expect something from it like you might get from anything else you “do” in life. But meditation is not a “doing”, it is a “being”. It is a learning to find stillness and peace within the idea that the moment you are in, the moment you are experiencing right at that moment is enough.

The trick is that our minds are not used to this way of thinking. Our modern day lives & culture tend to clutter our conscious thoughts with projections and stress towards the future and the past. Meditation helps us learn to let go. Meditation to me, and what I would like to share with you, is about bathing in the now. And finding peace with exactly who you are, where you are, and that all other chatter in your head can and eventually will be cleansed by the regular practice and training of momentary awareness.

When you start your mind is not used to this. It will fight back and flare up with thoughts and wander and tell you its bored and you should stop. These are all normal experiences. Always. The trick is to breath it in when it happens, see it happening, and exhale it out only to reset your focus again. Its not a failure. Its just what happened. And in time will happen less and less as your focus and mind becomes more and more accustomed to quiet, peace, and stillness.
More than anything in life, there is no result when you meditate. It is just acceptance. And you.

There are so many great benefits to meditation once you truly learn to love the process and practice it daily. Through mediation you will slowly begin to achieve more patience in your every day life, how to appreciate the simple things, and how to find the space in your mind to spread more love and kindness into the world around you.

Find a comfortable seated position, put some headphones on, relax, and allow yourself to let go and surrender into the now.


About the author 

Sean Fargo

Sean Fargo is the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, a former Buddhist monk of 2 years, a trainer for the mindfulness program born at Google, an Integral Coach from New Ventures West, and an international mindfulness teacher trainer. He can be reached at [email protected]

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