, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack


, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

Over 100.000 people have downloaded these 8 Guided Meditation Scripts!

What's Inside...

  1. 1
    Alleviate Stress with Three Deep Breaths
  2. 2
    Self-Love Meditation
  3. 3
    Dropping The Suitcases of Worries and Regrets
  4. 4
    Body Scan, Advanced
  5. 5
    Bringing Your Mind Back From Thoughts
  6. 6
    Breathe Away Anxious Thoughts
  7. 7
    Awareness of Each of the Five Senses
  8. 8
    Focusing On the Colors You See

These 8 Guided Meditation Scripts Can Help You...

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

Increase your confidence in your ability to lead others in meditation.

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

Gain instant credibility with your students, clients, and patients.

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

Record audios and videos that you can freely share with your clients, students, and patients.

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

Grow your business — great for meditation teachers, therapists, coaches, counselors, and other helpers!

Over 100,000 People Have Downloaded These 8 Guided Meditation Scripts

(Here’s what a few of them said...)

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

“The scripts helped me to save time.”

— Veronica Lebednik

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

“Your meditations have helped me convert more people on my email list into clients.”

— Tony Longobardi, Board Certified Hypnotist

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

“Your scripts have definitely helped my business and made it so much easier.”

— Dr. K.J. Foster

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

“I had one student with no meditation experience... and now she’s meditating every single day! Your guided meditation scripts helped me do that.”

— Dr. Lisa Nezneski

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

“I used these scripts to make videos for my members and I've had incredible positive feedback from them.”

— Laurie Gouley

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

“Your guided meditation scripts have helped stimulate a freshness to my facilitation.”

— Ed Tyrie

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack

“The scripts have increased my confidence to lead meditations, and to have a variety of options.”

— Kenya Casey

I’ve Also Used These Same 8 Scripts To Guide Meditations at...

, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack
, 8 Guided Mindfulness Meditations Pack


Over 100.000 people have downloaded these 8 Guided Meditation Scripts!
