, Mindfulness Sales Program

Expand Your Impact and Grow

Your Meaningful Career with the Mindfulness Sales Program

Discover the Step-by-Step Process for Confidently Selling Your Mindfulness Programs to Corporate Clients

, Mindfulness Sales Program
, Mindfulness Sales Program
, Mindfulness Sales Program
, Mindfulness Sales Program
, Mindfulness Sales Program

Do you want to expand your mindfulness teachings into the corporate world but you’re not sure where to begin?

I know exactly how you feel. 

You’re passionate about mindfulness and committed to sharing its profound impact with the world. 

You’ve seen firsthand how mindfulness can transform lives, and you’re eager to bring these benefits to more people, especially in the corporate world where stress and burnout are rampant.

But every time you think about selling your mindfulness programs, a wave of doubt washes over you. 

You worry that the sales process might feel icky or manipulative, or worse, that it will take you away from your true mission. 

You’re not sure how to position your offerings in a way that resonates with potential clients, and the thought of pricing and negotiating terms makes you anxious.

Or you don’t even know where to begin…

, Mindfulness Sales Program

You’re Not Alone.

Many mindfulness teachers face these same challenges:

Time Management:

Balancing your busy schedule with the demands of learning how to sell effectively.


Wondering if you’re good enough to guide others and feeling like an imposter.

Resource Access:

Struggling to find credible, high-quality training that is both flexible and online.

Lack of Skill:

Getting access to experienced instructors to guide you along the way

It’s frustrating because you know that if you could just get past these hurdles, you could make a real difference.

Creating a Mission-Driven Business

, Mindfulness Sales Program

You want to create a thriving, profitable, mission-driven business that will not only support you financially but also allow you to expand your impact and help more people.

Imagine what it would be like to confidently approach corporate clients, knowing exactly how to present your mindfulness programs in a way that aligns with their needs. 

Picture yourself closing deals with ease, feeling empowered and authentic in your sales approach. 

Think about the joy of seeing your students transform, knowing that you’re making a significant difference in their lives and the workplace.

The good news is, there’s a solution that can help you achieve all this and more.


The Mindfulness Sales Program

, Mindfulness Sales Program

The Mindfulness Sales Program is a comprehensive approach designed specifically for mindfulness teachers who want to make a greater impact in the corporate world. 

This program is designed to address your specific challenges, giving you the tools, skills, and confidence you need to succeed.

Here’s How it Works:

1. Build a Confident Sales Mindset:

We start by helping you develop a positive mindset around selling. 

You’ll learn to overcome any mental blocks and replace them with empowering beliefs that build momentum for your business. 

Imagine feeling excited and confident about your sales conversations!

2. Understand Your Client’s Needs:

Next, we guide you in aligning your mindfulness programs with the specific needs and challenges of your clients. 

You’ll gain insights into what corporate clients are looking for and how mindfulness can address their pain points. 

This means you’ll be able to present your offerings in a way that resonates deeply with potential clients.

3. Master the Sales Process:

We provide a step-by-step process that covers everything from prospecting to pitching, negotiating, and closing deals. 

You’ll learn a distinct method that you can follow repeatedly to make consistent sales. 

Picture yourself navigating the sales process with ease and confidence, knowing you have a proven roadmap to follow.

Shifting the Paradigm of “Sales”

, Mindfulness Sales Program

The Mindfulness Sales Program shifts the paradigm from seeing sales as a necessary evil to viewing it as an opportunity to expand your impact. 

“Sales” is about meaningfully connecting with potential clients and offering solutions that can genuinely help them.

This is the path to creating a thriving, mission-driven business that aligns with your values and amplifies your impact.

That way you can help more people find more peace and calm in this chaotic world we live in.

After you get your hands on the Mindfulness Sales Program, you’ll…

  • Gain Unshakeable Confidence: Feel empowered and self-assured as you approach potential corporate clients, knowing you have a proven strategy in place.
  • Master the Sales Process: Seamlessly navigate the entire sales journey from initial contact to closing the deal, without feeling overwhelmed or unsure.
  • Create Meaningful Connections: Develop authentic relationships with clients, ensuring your mindfulness programs resonate deeply and meet their needs.
  • Boost Your Impact: Reach more people with your mindfulness teachings, helping to reduce stress and improve well-being in corporate environments.
  • Create Financial Successes: Turn your passion for mindfulness into financial rewards that help sustain your mission and peace of mind.
  • Stay True to Your Values: Sell your programs without compromising your integrity, maintaining the authenticity that’s core to your mission.
  • Enjoy Personal Growth: Experience personal and professional development as you learn to overcome self-doubt, manage stress, and embody the principles of mindfulness in your everyday life.

These are just a few of the incredible benefits you can expect when you join the Mindfulness Sales Program. 

Imagine how it will feel to confidently sell your programs, expand your impact, and create a rewarding business that aligns with your values.

Plus, Get Access to These 4 Bonuses FREE:

Improving Focus and Reducing Distractibility - Value $97

When you are selling, there are few things we can control and things we can’t control.

Where we spend our time, and our focus is one of the few things that we can control. 

This video session explains the biology of attention and provides real-life practice for handling typical distractions and refocusing on the most important sales tasks.

, Mindfulness Sales Program

Excelling in the High-Stress Moments - Value $97

Our success in sales often comes down to a few moments of high intensity. 

Tough negotiations, big presentations, and unexpected objections can add to our stress when selling. 

This video session explains the science behind why we can get overwhelmed in these moments. We then do targeted practice to learn critical techniques to calm ourselves and excel when the stakes are high.

, Mindfulness Sales Program

Quick Rebounding from Losses and Setbacks - Value $97

The reality of sales is that we will endure very tough losses and rough mistakes that can heavily affect our confidence, mood, and motivation. 

Having consistent motivation and performance in spite of these is key to long-term sales success and sanity. 

In this video, Danny will explain why these moments can bring us down and demonstrate powerful techniques for restoring our motivation and performance.

, Mindfulness Sales Program

Calming Sales Anxiety - Value $97

The perpetual stress of sales can accumulate leaving us anxious, irritable, or burnt out. 

This leads to poorer performance and even physical issues. 

We explore what’s actually happening in the body when in the stress state. 

We also do a practice that teaches us how to de-stress our body and mind so that we can proactively replenish ourselves and come back stronger. 

, Mindfulness Sales Program

Community Chat Access with Danny - Value PRICELESS

For the first 60 days after launch, Danny will be participating in a special sales community channel where you can share your progress and get additional support and questions answered.

Be around like-minded practitioners who are looking to spread mindfulness to businesses and corporations.

, Mindfulness Sales Program

Here’s Everything You Get:


Mindfulness Sales Program


Monthly LIVE Q&A Group Calls with Danny


BONUS: Improving Focus and Reducing Distractibility


BONUS: Excelling in the High-Stress Moments


BONUS: Quick Rebounding from Losses and Setbacks


BONUS: Calming Sales Anxiety


BONUS: Community Chat Access with Danny


Total Value:


Today’s Investment:


Our effort is to bring you the best value possible and you should see a clear "return on investment" if the course helps you secure even one new client. The total cost of this course is less than the price of 1 hour of direct one on one support from Danny.

, Mindfulness Sales Program

About Your Guide, Mindfulness Sales Expert Danny Grieco

Danny Grieco is a fellow mindfulness teacher who has also worked as a salesperson for 12+ years, a sales trainer for 5+ years, and a mindfulness practitioner for 10+ years.

As a salesperson, he has worked for startups and Fortune 500 companies, successfully selling into almost every industry, from small accounts to seven-figure deals. He has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, so you don’t have to.

He has spent the past 5+ years teaching non-salespeople the skills of corporate sales. He has also trained hundreds of mindfulness teachers and dozens of Silicon Valley startup founders.

He spent over 10+ years personally practicing and studying mindfulness and meditation, including daily practice, silent retreats, and academic study. He is also a certified teacher and has taught programs at Facebook, Amazon, and many others. His instruction is engaging, fun, and instantly applicable.

This online course is designed to address common challenges faced by mindfulness teachers who want to sell their programs while staying true to their mission and values.

Hurry, prices will increase soon

, Mindfulness Sales Program
, Mindfulness Sales Program

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You aren't sure where to get started in selling your mindfulness teachings.
  • You are worried that sales will be icky, manipulative, self-serving, or out of alignment.
  • You aren’t clear on how to position or talk about your offerings in a way that resonates with potential clients.
  • You’ve had a few prospect calls but things seemed to "fizzle out" after that.
  • You are feeling unsure about how to price things and negotiate terms with potential clients.
  • You think you don’t have the skills to lead sales calls or navigate the sales process effectively.

Here’s How You’ll Develop

Your Mindful Sales Skills Step-by-step:

Introduction - Developing Your Sales Mindset

You’ll start the course by developing your sales mindset — driven by a mindful, authentic approach — and begin to understand the sales environment.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to drop any mental blocks you have toward selling in a corporate environment — and embrace positive mindset frameworks to move forward with confidence and authenticity.
  • Deeply connect with your intention and develop an intention-based mindset so you can enter into the sales process with ease and purpose.
  • Start to develop an understanding of the corporate sales environment including learning about B2B selling, business roles, sales lingo, and what to expect when you are getting started.

Creating a Well-Tuned Sales Machine - Sales Tools and Organization

Learn how to set up your sales process efficiently — leveraging critical tools and methods that will set you up for success, so you can spend less time selling and more time teaching.

Prospecting - How to Find & Reach Out to Potential Corporate Clients

In module 3, you’ll discover strategies for finding the right kind of corporate clients and starting the conversation about your mindfulness teaching programs.

Pitching - How to Develop Great Client Relationships and Make Sales with Ease

In module 4, you’ll discover the buyer’s journey and how to turn your leads into clients — starting with building great rapport and on-point messaging that will help make the client an easy ‘yes.’

Conquering Sales Hurdles - Overcoming Pricing Anxiety and Negotiating Objections

Pricing can often be a sticking point — for the teacher and the potential client alike. To overcome pricing and negotiation anxieties, module six will equip you with a toolbox of helpful skills and techniques.

Closing - Maintaining Momentum and Closing the Sale

In module six, you’ll learn the skills to keep your sales process on track and maintain momentum — so you can make the sale with as little friction as possible.

Don't take our word for it…

This Sales Masterclass has already been delivered to 100+ mindfulness teachers and has received an enthusiastic rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. Here's what some of our participants have to say:

, Mindfulness Sales Program

I would be fumbling in the dark without the flashlight you provided. I feel profoundly lucky to have been a part of yet another wonderful learning experience with our community.

— Stacey Crowley

, Mindfulness Sales Program

Thanks so much for an amazing class! All of the content has been so helpful. Just did about 10 new outreaches and 10 follow-ups… 5 calls already scheduled! 🙌

— Jakey Toor

, Mindfulness Sales Program

For once I felt like I was in control, which actually meant that I was far more relaxed and I think therefore came across as not trying to be in control at all. (this part is the best part for me… it felt good to have the meeting, yippeeee).

— Emma Carberry

Here’s Everything You Get:


Mindfulness Sales Program


Monthly LIVE Q&A Group Calls with Danny


BONUS: Improving Focus and Reducing Distractibility


BONUS: Excelling in the High-Stress Moments


BONUS: Quick Rebounding from Losses and Setbacks


BONUS: Calming Sales Anxiety


BONUS: Community Chat Access with Danny


Total Value:


Today’s Investment:


Our effort is to bring you the best value possible and you should see a clear "return on investment" if the course helps you secure even one new client. The total cost of this course is less than the price of 1 hour of direct one on one support from Danny.

A Perfect Opportunity to Uplevel (or Begin) Your Mindfulness Teaching Business…

, Mindfulness Sales Program

Join our Sales Masterclass today and tap into a wealth of knowledge from our experienced instructor, Danny Grieco.

Danny has helped hundreds of mindfulness teachers like you successfully sell their programs.

His expertise, practical insights, and engaging teaching style provide an incredible opportunity for you to uplevel — or start — your mindfulness teaching business.

Aspiring and established mindfulness teachers have already experienced incredible results from our Sales Masterclass.

Gain the skills and confidence to overcome common sales challenges, negotiate effectively, and showcase the unique value of the programs you offer.

Step into your role as a leader in the mindfulness movement and create lasting change within corporations and beyond.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your impact and contribute to a more mindful world. Enroll in our Sales Masterclass today and unlock your full potential as a mindfulness teacher.

Hurry, prices will increase soon

, Mindfulness Sales Program
, Mindfulness Sales Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course applicable if I currently work at a company and am trying to get them to do a mindfulness program with me?

Yes, it is! You are still running a "sales cycle" within your company. Although there are a few less applicable sections in the course, you can focus on the relevant ones that will help you succeed in your current situation.

Is this course applicable if my focus is more on signing up my own individual coaching clients?

Absolutely! The skills and principles taught in this course apply to running a full "sales cycle" with each individual client. While the course may not cover personal branding aspects commonly associated with one-on-one coaching, you'll still gain valuable knowledge to enhance your sales process.

If you're ready to take

your mindfulness teaching to the next level

And confidently sell your programs to corporate clients, join our Sales Masterclass today. Together, let's spread the power of mindfulness to workplaces and beyond.

Hurry, prices will increase soon

, Mindfulness Sales Program
, Mindfulness Sales Program

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