68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters For Businesspeople And Professionals... That Can Help You Improve Decision-Making, Inspire Creativity, Build Strong Relationships, And Dramatically Increase Your Results And Performance At Work
Our special offer for you:
Get 67% OFF the regular price... And 2 SPECIAL BONUSES... But only if you act now!
(See details below...)
What exactly are these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters?
Ever face a challenge at work, and you weren’t sure how to handle it?
Ever wish you could make more progress toward achieving your career goals, or achieve them faster?
Ever wish you could get more done at work, while working fewer hours?
Ever wish you could enjoy your work more, and be more excited about coming to work every day?
Ever wish you could feel more confident at work, and feel more confident about the decisions you make?
Ever wish you could feel more calm, more centered, more peace of mind... during your workday?
This brand-new Mindfulness At Work program is perfect for all of these situations because it’s a “grab bag” of 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters.
These Mindfulness Boosters are designed to:
So, whenever you’re facing a situation at work that you don’t know how to handle... or you wish you could start achieving your career goals faster... or you wish you could calm down, feel more centered, and just enjoy your work more...
...just reach into this “grab bag” and pull out one (or several) of the 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters!
...Each of these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters addresses a very specific topic related to work and business. So, when a situation arises at work and you’re not sure how to handle it... there’s a very good chance that one (or several) of these 68 Mindfulness Boosters will address exactly what you’re facing, and give you the perfect answer, the exact solution, a powerful exercise to do, or a mindfulness method or technique that can help you immensely.
For example... if you know you have to have a difficult conversation with a colleague or your boss, you can use the one-page PDF Mindfulness Booster entitled “Difficult Conversations At Work.” This one-page PDF will teach you a mindful approach to having difficult conversations... AND it gives you 4 questions to ask yourself before engaging in a difficult conversation (that will help ease your tension and stress before the conversation begins)... AND it gives you 7 simple, but powerful steps to follow for any difficult conversation (that will keep everyone as present and comfortable as possible, to ensure a productive conversation takes place).
And that’s just one of the 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters that you will have at your disposal. (You can see details on all 68 of the Mindfulness Boosters you’re getting, below.)
...You won’t need to watch hours and hours of videos, lectures and lessons... each of these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters is short. 50 of them are just one page, so you can read them and take action on them, in literally just a few minutes. The other 18 Mindfulness Boosters are videos that include a short tutorial (average of 5 minutes long) and a short meditation (average of 5 minutes long). And just like the others, you can watch these 18 Mindfulness Boosters, and take action on them, all in just a few minutes.
...You can download all of these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters (and 2 amazing bonuses — see details below)... right now, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning...
AND... if you order now, you can get everything for 67% off the normal price...
AND... just to make sure you have no risk and you feel totally comfortable... this program comes with an unconditional, 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
I’ve used these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters to help hundreds of businesspeople and professionals at:

Who are these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters for?
Have you ever faced a challenge or issue at work, and you weren’t sure how to handle it?
If so... these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are perfect for you...

...because each one is designed to address a specific, but common challenge or issue that most people will experience at work, at some point. Just keep these Mindfulness Boosters close at hand while you work, and then, any time you’re confronted with a situation that you’re not sure how to handle... just reach into this “grab bag” of 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, and you’ll be sure to find one that will perfectly address the specific situation that you’re facing. And... by the way, we call these “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters because they’re all very short, which means you can consume them and implement FAST... so you can resolve the situation you’re facing quickly, without having to spend hours.
Have you ever wished you could be more productive at work? Ever wish you could get more done, while working fewer hours? And just have more time to yourself?
If so... these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are perfect for you...

...because many of them address the issue of productivity, and include research-backed methods and techniques for increasing your mindfulness, which can dramatically increase your productivity. AND... many of these methods and techniques are not common knowledge — most people aren’t even aware of them... which means you probably haven’t tried these before!
Have you ever wondered how you could make more progress toward achieving your career goals, or achieve them faster?
If so... these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are perfect for you...

...because 21 of them directly address, and help you avoid, common but dangerous biases that we all fall prey to in our professional lives. Just becoming aware of these biases, and setting an intention to see things differently, and approach things more mindfully, can help you make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and become more productive. And as a result of all that... you’ll start making much more progress toward achieving your important goals at work... and you’ll start achieving them faster! And that’s just 21 of the 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters you’ll have at your fingertips when you get this program.
Have you ever wished you could feel more confident at work, and feel more confident about the decisions you make?
If so... these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are perfect for you...

...because several of them will address confidence directly, and others will address the components that make up confidence, like focusing more on your strengths, identifying your core values, creating your own definition of success, and more. You can experience a significant boost in confidence whenever you need one with these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, but you’ll also notice that over time, your sense of confidence will grow as you continue to develop your mindfulness with these boosters.
Have you ever wished you could feel more calm, more centered, more peace of mind during your workday... and just enjoy your work more?
If so... these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are perfect for you...

...because they teach you how to develop, increase, and improve your mindfulness... as it relates specifically to work situations, challenges, and opportunities. Anytime you feel overwhelmed, stressed, confused, or frustrated, you can reach into your “grab bag” of 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters and find the perfect answer, exercise, practice, or meditation to help you regain your composure, your calm, your centeredness, and your peace-of-mind. And over time, through using these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, you’ll find your mindfulness, calm, and peace will grow, and become more second nature to you, so you’ll actually need to rely on these boosters less and less. And, your performance at work will automatically rise as well, because as you know, we all do our best, most productive, and most effective work... when we are calm, centered, and at peace.
Are you a manager or leader?
If so... these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are perfect for you...

...because so many of them deal with issues and challenges related to managing, inspiring, and working with others. The 21 workplace biases that you’ll discover in this program, and start to become more aware of, are directly related to how we manage and work with others, and many of the other Mindfulness Boosters will give you research-backed methods and techniques for more effectively managing, partnering with, and working with others. This program is INVALUABLE for anyone who is managing people, or is part of a team at work.
Are you an employee or businessperson who is not managing anyone right now?
If so... these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are perfect for you...

...because every single one of these boosters can help ANY businessperson or professional to improve and increase their mindfulness, have more confidence, become more effective, become more productive, enjoy work more, regain a sense of calm and peace, make better decisions, inspire creativity, build strong relationships, and dramatically increase your overall results and performance at work.
What exactly do you get in this program?
You get instant online access to 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, that you can immediately download onto any computer, and print out (if you choose).
50 of these Mindfulness Boosters are one-page PDF files. Each is beautifully designed, and formatted to be easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-implement.
Just keep these 50 PDFs handy, either on your computer, or printed out, and they will become your personal mindfulness “grab bag” at work. It’ll be super easy for you to find the exact answer, solution, idea, method, or strategy you need to address any issue you’re currently facing.

Here’s an example of one of the PDFs you’re going to get in this program (click the image to make it larger)
The other 18 Mindfulness Boosters each include a short video tutorial and a short video meditation, and each deals with a specific topic related to “Reducing Workplace Bias.” These lessons and meditations are POWERFUL TOOLS for changing your thinking and the way you approach work... and they can have immediate and SIGNIFICANT positive impacts on your success, productivity, effectiveness, confidence, peace-of-mind, and overall enjoyment of your work.
Here’s a sample clip from one of the Reducing Workplace Bias videos that you’re going to get in this program:
These 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters teach you evidence and research-based techniques and methods for increasing mindfulness, that are all specifically geared toward workplace situations, challenges, and opportunities.
Let’s look at these 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters in more detail...
Here’s exactly what you get:
You get 50 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters that are one-page PDFs...
(Click the blue links on each one to learn more)
How to ask for what you need, without alienating your co-workers and bosses... so you can do your job better and faster

In this one-page PDF, you’re going to learn:
How to avoid burnout, so you can be more effective and efficient... and enjoy your work, and life, more

In this powerful one-pager, you’ll discover:
How workplace gossip erodes your effectiveness and efficiency... and 5 simple strategies to avoid it every day

In this powerful one-page, bite-sized mindfulness booster, you’ll learn:
The value of using both your head and your heart at work... and a 3-minute practice that helps you balance your use of both, so you can maximize your productivity and enjoyment at work

In this one-page mindfulness booster, you’re going to learn:
Research has shown that up to 80% of people may have “email apnea” — the unconscious habit of suspending or decreasing breathing while writing emails... Learn how to avoid this harmful habit, so you can decrease unnecessary stress and enjoy your work more

In this one-page mindfulness booster, you’re going to learn:
No one succeeds without support from others... learn how to build a strong support network that enriches and empowers you at work, and makes you feel like part a real community

In this one-page PDF, you’re going to learn:
Learn a powerful 4-step process for cultivating your creative powers and accessing new ideas and solutions... (plus, a primer on the role of creativity at work, and techniques used by today’s most creative professionals)

What you’ll learn inside:
How to strike the perfect balance between creativity and productivity, boosting your effectiveness and enjoyment in any work environment

What’s inside:
Discover the importance of curiosity at work, and how to enhance your own natural curiosity with an easy and relaxing 10-minute meditation... (plus, how to stay curious even in difficult situations)

In this PDF, you’ll uncover:
Learn how gratitude can help you at work and in your personal life (including improving your health, emotions, and more), learn a mindful exercise for cultivating gratitude, and learn a bonus technique for a quick gratitude “boost” whenever you need one

What you’ll discover in this powerful, one-page PDF:
Explore the true meaning of success and learn to define it so you can focus on what matters most to you... and be your best self at work

What you’ll learn:
Learn to live in harmony with the technology surrounding us at work, at home, and even on the road... become more aware of your habits, and learn to optimize them so tech can be a positive force in your work and life

Set yourself up for success when engaging in difficult conversations at work using simple questions and a multi-step mindfulness technique that helps ease tensions and ensure the most productive outcomes for everyone involved

This one-page PDF reveals:
Change is inevitable, but learning to embrace it can help you harness its power as a positive force in your work and life

This one-page PDF will show you:
Adopting a growth (as opposed to a “fixed”) mindset allows you to expand your skills and intelligence to almost unlimited levels!

This one-pager will teach you:
Learn to finally establish clear boundaries between work and home life, and find greater contentment in both domains... (plus, learn a deeply grounding mindfulness exercise to help you find your work-life balance in any situation)

This powerful one-pager contains:
When you discover what you’re inherently good at, you’re able to show up more effectively – to serve your organization, community, and everyone around you

What you’ll learn in this one-page PDF...
Learn to pinpoint and address your weaknesses without judgment or self-blame, turning them into opportunities to build courage, maturity, and inner resilience

In this PDF…
Learn to identify your core values and use them as a guiding light to help you navigate whatever comes your way in life – at work, at home, or in your community

In this special one-page report, you’ll learn:
Fuel connection, healing, and understanding by learning to be mindfully aware of your own needs, as well as the needs of others

What you’ll learn…
Taking time to stop, be still, and contemplate can be the most productive time of our day. Learn why, and how to do it – guilt-free – even while working remotely!

In this one-page PDF you’ll learn all of the following:
Trying to control external circumstances and events is not only harmful – it’s also futile. Learn to release control and improve your happiness, relationships, feelings of trust, and more

This revealing report will show you:
Learn to listen in a state of mindful, present-moment awareness for improved understanding, connecting, and negotiating – while avoiding mistakes, misunderstandings, and conflict

What you’ll learn…
Loving kindness is a longtime practice in Buddhist tradition, and it’s also a research-backed method we can use to cultivate feelings of warmth and compassion at work – while strengthening our connections with coworkers

What this PDF will teach you:
Learn to diagnose overwhelm, pinpoint its root cause, and give yourself the proper emotional and physical nourishment you need to move past it, quickly and easily... (Plus, how to keep overwhelm from “boiling over” and becoming a big problem, so you remain more evenly keeled, more of the time)

In this powerful, one-page PDF, you’ll learn:
When stress becomes chronic, or is left unaddressed, it can negatively impact our wellbeing on multiple levels... however, learning to manage stress at the workplace can help us find greater ease and wellbeing – both at work and at home

What you’ll learn in this one-page PDF…
Did you know that the average commute time in the U.S. is nearly 60 minutes roundtrip? Learn to practice mindfulness during this transitional period to arrive at work, or at home, with enhanced clarity and peace of mind

In this powerful one-pager you’ll discover…
Enjoy meetings run with open awareness, focused attention, compassion, and curiosity using meditation and mindfulness techniques

What you’ll learn in this eye-opening one-pager:
Learn simple, good-feeling techniques to keep your body fresh and active – even during the busiest of times at work

Here’s what you’ll discover:
Snack choices can affect every aspect of our workday, including our energy levels, ability to focus, moods, and more. Learn easy, research-based methods for improving your eating habits at work, and enjoy enhanced productivity, focus, and overall wellbeing and satisfaction

What you’ll learn in this powerful one-page PDF…
Dream up new ways of working through the inevitable problems we all run into at work. Learn to view problems in a more positive, holistic way, and solve them more quickly, easily, and creatively

In this one-page report, you’ll discover:
Speaking mindfully can be challenging, especially in the midst of a difficult conversation. However, learning to adopt mindful speaking habits can have a positive impact on the wellbeing and productivity of everyone within your organization.

What you’ll learn…
Learn to minimize distractions, discover your own personal limits, and create a work environment that is both productive and conducive to wellbeing

Here’s what you’ll find inside:
Learn two mindful walking meditations to help you be in the present moment and enjoy more harmony with your surroundings

What you’ll learn in this PDF…
As humans, we experience a wide range of emotions – some are pleasant, while others can be difficult to navigate. By being mindful of your emotions at work, you can be more present and more effective, even during challenging moments

What you’ll learn in this special one-page report…
It’s important to remember that we all have something unique and valuable to share! Learn how to be more mindful of your own unique contributions at work, creating space for you and others to contribute in your most natural and authentic ways…

What you’ll learn inside this PDF:
Though changes in the workplace are inevitable, you do not have to meet them with stress and anxiety. Learn to reframe change and meet it with open acceptance, benefitting yourself, your career, your coworkers, and even your at-home relationships...

What you’ll learn in this impactful one-pager…
While all communication can be tricky, online communication carries even more potential for mishaps. Learn how to be more mindful of your online communication at work, to ensure the meaning of your words comes through with clarity and power.

What you’ll learn in this one-page PDF…
Organizations are made up of many different individuals, each with unique backgrounds, perspectives, strengths, and struggles. Remembering our shared humanity helps us foster nourishing company culture despite our differences.

In this PDF, you’ll learn:
Accomplishing tasks is difficult when we’re distracted, but overcoming distractions can be easier said than done. Learn to apply mindfulness to avoid being pulled away by arbitrary distractions, so you can stay focused and grounded throughout your workday.

This instructive one-page PDF will show you…
Zoom meetings can be tiring and even exhausting. But the good news is, they don’t have to be! Learn how to use mindfulness to make Zoom meetings more pleasant and effective, while bringing more balance to your life.

This one-pager will teach you:
Become a mindful leader so you can positively influence employee engagement and productivity within your organization, while decreasing employee turnover

What’s inside:
Yes, kindness really can change the world! It can also change your organization – from the inside out – by sending a subtle yet powerful ripple of warmth flowing through the ranks…

In this powerful one-page PDF, you’ll learn:
How to use mindfulness to build resilience, so you can bounce back more quickly and easily from setbacks at work, and even start to see these challenges as opportunities

In this one-page mindfulness booster, you’re going to learn:
How to recharge your “battery” quickly when you feel drained at work... 4 simple practices and exercises that are easy, fast, and can be done just about anywhere and anytime...

In this powerful one-page, bite-sized mindfulness booster, you’ll learn:
How to be more respected at work, save lots of time, be more productive, and build stronger relationships... by setting boundaries

In this powerful one-page mindfulness booster, you’ll learn:
Why annoying coworkers aren’t really a problem... but a blessing in disguise. How to enjoy your work again, and thrive... even if you have to interact with an “annoying” coworker every day

In this power-packed one-page PDF, you’re going to learn:
Why you should avoid multitasking at all costs... how to avoid it... and what you should do instead... if you want to maximize your time and effort at work

In this power-packed one-page PDF, you’re going to learn:
Workplace distractions are common, but using mindfulness can help you minimize them... which can improve your creativity, performance, health, and more.

What you’ll discover:
Take advantage of the benefits of working from home, while minimizing the challenges and limitations... and learn how to do your best work, and enjoy your work more, while working from home

In this powerful, one-page PDF, you’re going to learn:
You also get 18 more “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, each of which is a short video tutorial and video meditation...
(Click the blue links on each one to learn more)
How to be aware of and effectively direct your attention so you can avoid rumination, worry, and obsession... and create much better results at work, with a lot less effort and time

In this short tutorial and video meditation, you’re going to learn:
How to make sure your thinking (and your team’s thinking) isn’t distorted by inaccurate information just because it’s widely available and disseminated frequently within your organization

In this brief presentation and 5-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
Don’t fall into the trap of using what worked in the past, but no longer works... learn how to reexamine your approaches and philosophies to make sure they still work in the specific situations that you face now... and let them go if they don’t

In this short video tutorial and 5-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
How to make more mindful and more effective decisions in the present and future, by accurately seeing and analyzing your past decisions

In this brief tutorial and 6-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
How to limit the effects of confirmation bias, so you can be more open-minded, and able to welcome and integrate new and creative ideas and opinions, which can lead to greater results and even innovation

In this short video tutorial and 4-minute meditation, you’ll learn:
How to compare options more accurately so you can make better decisions, which will ultimately lead to better outcomes

In this brief video tutorial and accompanying 4-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
Why it’s extremely important to be able to accurately read and understand people’s emotional states... how this has a direct affect on your performance at work... and how to do it better

In this short tutorial and 6-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
How “groupthink” limits creativity and innovation, and how to avoid it, and instead create a culture that welcomes different thinking and ways of doing things, so you can foster innovation, creativity, connection, and engagement in yourself and your team

In this brief video presentation and video meditation, you’ll discover:
Increase your awareness of The Halo Effect and its dangers, and learn how to spot positive overgeneralizations, so you can protect yourself and your team from distorted thinking and distorted decision-making

In this “bite-sized” video tutorial and accompanying video meditation, you’ll discover:
How to gain a more realistic view of your ability (and your team’s ability) to predict outcomes... and how to make better decisions and increase the likelihood of better results

In this brief presentation and 4-minute video meditation, you’ll learn:
Most people believe in good or bad ‘streaks’... but they don’t really exist, and we must discount these ideas so we don’t make decisions based on inaccurate information

In this brief video tutorial and 4-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
We all have the tendency to discount the future in the name of short-term gains or pleasure... This lesson and meditation will help you become aware of this tendency and appreciate the importance of effective planning in all areas of life.

In this short video tutorial and 5-minute video meditation, you’ll learn:
Many people believe that the world is fair... or should be... but this belief sets up a dangerous and false expectation that leads people to take on a victim mentality. This tutorial and meditation will help you realize that the world isn’t fair, so you can set up appropriate expectations and become adaptive and flexible. This is what leads to better decisions and greater success.

In this brief video presentation and 6-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
We all have the tendency to believe we are completely rational and that we see reality as it is... but we aren’t, and we don’t... and not knowing this can lead to distortions in thinking and bad decisions. Learn how to become aware of this tendency, and avoid it, so you can make better decisions and get better results at work.

In this short video tutorial and 6-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
Many people operate from the belief that dramatic changes will never occur and that life and business will continue ‘as normal’ forever. This can lead to poor planning and a disastrous lack of preparation when dramatic changes do occur. Learn how to protect yourself from The Normalcy Bias, so you can be prepared, and even thrive, when big changes occur in life or business.

In this short video tutorial and 3-minute video meditation, you’ll discover:
How to temper your optimism with realism so you can maximize your results at work

In this brief tutorial and 7-minute video meditation, you’re going to learn:
Many people have an impulsive tendency to ignore what they are told to do and do what they want instead, to assert their freedom and independence. This can lead to damaged relationships, poor decision-making, and poor performance at work. Increase your awareness of this tendency and learn how to use mindfulness to improve your conscious control over impulsive behaviors.

In this brief tutorial and 6-minute video meditation, you’re going to learn:
Many of us will keep pursuing a course of action that isn’t working, simply because we’ve invested a lot into it... but this can lead to disastrous losses. Learn how to recognize The Sunk Cost Fallacy, and avoid it so you can cut your losses earlier and reserve your resources for the next project and opportunity.

In this short video tutorial and 4-minute video meditation, you’re going to discover:
What’s the price for all this?
This Mindfulness At Work program, with 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, is a brand new program... and I’m very excited about it, because I’m convinced that it can be of immense help and benefit to many, many businesspeople and professionals. Because of that, I want to get this program into the hands of as many people as I can, as quickly as I can.
I’m planning to charge $158 for this program, because I know that it’s definitely worth much more than that... but... since I want to get this into the hands of as many people as I can, as fast as I can, I’m offering this program right now for 67% off — just $47... but this is only for a limited time.
This deep discount won’t last long. A lot of work went into producing this program, and it’s a very valuable program, so I will need to start charging the full price of $158, very soon.
So... make sure to get this program, with the 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, and the 2 bonuses (see details below)... right now, while it’s still available for 67% off — just one payment of $47. I’m not sure exactly when, but I will be raising this back up to the regular price of $158 soon.
The other nice thing is...
This program comes with an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee, so you can try the whole thing out with no risk and no pressure for 60 days, to make sure it works for you. I want you to be totally satisfied and feel like you got real value from this, so if you decide for any reason that this program isn’t for you, I’ll gladly refund all your money, no questions asked.
If you order right now, you’ll also get these 2 great bonuses for FREE:
10 More ‘Mystery’ Mindfulness Boosters

If you order now, you’ll also get 10 more “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters, for no additional cost.
7 of these Mindfulness Boosters are one-page PDFs...
And 3 of them are video tutorials & video meditations.
What are these 10 additional Mindfulness Boosters? What topics do they cover?
Sorry! You’ll have to order to find out what these ‘mystery’ Mindfulness Boosters are!
Audio-Only Versions Of All The Tutorials And Meditations

You’re a busy professional, so you might not have the time to sit down and watch a video tutorial and video meditation very often.
So, we created audio-only versions of all of the tutorials and meditations that you get in this program.
You get 42 audio tracks in total — 21 tutorial audios and 21 meditations audios, all of which cover a different “Reducing Workplace Bias” topic.
The great thing about having these audio tracks is that you can listen to them and learn, while you’re doing other things, like eating lunch, driving, or exercising.
(But, please be careful not to meditate while driving or exercising, or while doing any other activity that could become dangerous without your full attention.)
These 42 audios give you the ability to improve and increase your mindfulness and learn how to perform better at work... while you’re doing other things, so you don’t need to add more time to your already busy schedule to fit these in.
These audio recordings are easily downloadable onto any computer or mobile device, and easy to play and listen to, anytime you like. And you get access to all of them for no additional cost, right after you place your order.
If you select our Premium package (which is only $20 more)...
You also get 21 Mindfulness Booster Worksheets

If you really want to perform at a higher level at work, you need to be honest with yourself, and become fully aware of any and all biases that you are currently operating from.
We’re all susceptible to these “workplace biases” and these are what keep most people from performing at their best, and fulfilling their full potential at work.
In the Mindfulness At Work program, you get 21 Mindfulness Boosters that are video tutorials and video meditations, that help you become aware of, and learn to avoid, 21 different workplace biases that we all fall prey to.
Using these video tutorials and video meditations is a huge step in the right direction, but if you want to go deeper and really make sure you protect yourself from these common workplace biases, so you can perform at even higher levels, these additional 21 “Reducing Workplace Bias” WORKSHEETS will help you do exactly that.
Each worksheet is multiple pages, beautifully designed, provides a brief description of each workplace bias, reinforces and deepens your understanding of each concept and bias, gives you a few reflection questions and space to write your responses, provides helpful exercises or practices that can help you in the moment, and gives you the script for the accompanying meditation.
These worksheets will help you understand and become aware of these concepts and workplace biases faster, and on a deeper level, so you can integrate these insights into your actual work sooner, which can create enormous positive changes in your performance at work.
The regular price of these 21 worksheets is $47...
...but if you order the Premium package below, you’ll get these 21 worksheets for just an additional $20.
All you have to do is choose which package you want
Mindfulness at Work | Value | Regular | Premium |
50 “BITE-SIZED” MINDFULNESS BOOSTERS — ONE-PAGE PDFs Whenever you face a challenge at work, or you feel like you want to achieve your goals faster, or become more productive, or just enjoy your work more... you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for in one or more of these 50 one-page PDFs. We call these “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters because they’re short, but powerful ways to increase your mindfulness pretty much anytime, and pretty much anywhere you are. These Mindfulness Boosters will help you improve decision-making, inspire creativity, build strong relationships, and dramatically increase your overall results and performance at work. | ($64 value) | ||
18 “BITE-SIZED” MINDFULNESS BOOSTERS — VIDEO TUTORIALS & VIDEO MEDITATIONS These short video tutorials and video meditations will help you become aware of specific “workplace biases” that we all fall prey to. You’ll also learn how to protect yourself from these biases, and avoid them, so you can perform better at work, be more productive, become more flexible and adaptive, and succeed at a higher level, all while working less! | ($47 value) | ||
BONUS #1: 10 MORE “BITE-SIZED” ‘MYSTERY’ MINDFULNESS BOOSTERS If you order now, you’ll get 10 more Mindfulness Boosters — 7 more one-page PDFs and 3 more video tutorials & meditations. But... you’ll have to order to find out what these 10 ‘mystery’ Mindfulness Boosters are! | ($17 value) | ||
BONUS #2: AUDIO-ONLY VERSIONS OF THE 21 “REDUCING WORKPLACE BIAS” TUTORIALS AND MEDITATIONS You’re a busy professional, so we wanted to give you the ability to listen to all 21 of the video tutorials and meditations in an audio-only format, so you can use them on-the-go, or while you’re doing other things, like eating lunch, driving, or exercising. This gives you ability to improve and increase your mindfulness and learn how to perform better at work, while you’re doing other things, so you don’t need to add more time to your already busy schedule to fit these in. | ($17 value) | ||
21 “REDUCING WORKPLACE BIAS” WORKSHEETS: If you really want to perform at a higher level at work, you need to be honest with yourself, and become fully aware of any and all biases that you are currently operating from. The 21 video tutorials and meditations you’re already getting in this program are a huge step in the right direction, but if you want to go deeper and really get this handled, so you can perform at even higher levels, these 21 worksheets will help you do exactly that. Each worksheet is multiple pages, beautifully designed, reinforces each concept and bias, and gives you several reflection questions and space to write responses... all of which can help you avoid, and protect yourself from, these 21 workplace biases. | ($60 value) | Cell |
Total Value: $205
67% OFF - SAVE $138
Discounted Price:
Don’t BUY… TRY!
Try the new Mindfulness At Work program with 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters... And The Bonuses... And The 21 Worksheets...
RISK-FREE For 60 Days!

The REGULAR and the PREMIUM packages both come with an unconditional, 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive everything to MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!
If you’re not getting the results you want, or you’re not completely ecstatic, or you just decide to change your mind... just contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase at [email protected], and we will immediately issue you a full refund…
Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on the Mindfulness At Work program?
So, don’t BUY the Mindfulness At Work program…
TRY it out first... for a full 60 days, with no risk.
And if at any time during that period, you want your money back instead, just let my team know, and you will have it!
We've Got Your Back with Dedicated Customer Support

As the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, it’s my goal to ensure you get the best experience with the Mindfulness at Work program.
Please know that you can always reach out to me directly at [email protected], or we can plan a call if you find that more convenient.
I'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Thank you!
Frequently Asked Questions
50 of the 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters are one-page PDF files, and you also get 7 more bonus one-page PDFs. You can print all of these 57 one-page PDFs on any computer and with any printer. We highly recommend that you do print them, and keep them close by while you’re working, so you can use them as a quick reference or “grab bag” to help you with any issues or challenges that may arise during your workday.
No, these 68 Mindfulness Boosters are all secular, evidence-based mindfulness methods and meditations meant for enhancing nonjudgmental, moment-to-moment awareness of experience. These Mindfulness Boosters are not dogmatic or religious at all.
You get a total of 57 PDFs that are each only one page long. And you get a total of 21 video tutorials and meditations. The tutorials are around 5 minutes long, on average, and the meditations are also around 5 minutes long, on average. So all of these Mindfulness Boosters are brief, which makes them easy and fast to consume and use. This is why we call these Mindfulness Boosters “Bite-Sized”... but don’t let their length fool you... these Mindfulness Boosters are also all very powerful!
You get a total of 57 PDF files that are each only one page long. Each of these PDF files is beautifully designed and formatted to be easy-to-read, easy-to-follow, and easy-to-understand. You also get a total of 21 video tutorials and video meditations. And you get audio-only versions of the 21 tutorials and meditations so you can listen on-the-go or as you’re doing other things, like eating, driving, or exercising.
This program is 100% digital, which means nothing will be sent in the mail. Right after you place your order, you will get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to everything in this program, and you can download everything instantly as well.
Yes, right after you order, you can immediately access everything in this program and download all of it onto your computer. And since these are standard PDF, video, and audio files, they will work with any kind of computer, and any kind of mobile device or tablet.
Who created this program, and the 68 “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters?

After deeply immersing myself in mindfulness practice as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, I noticed a shift in the way I related to myself and others that I wanted to bring to the communities around me. Since then, I have spent the last 10 years focused on building out mindfulness practices across organizations, into the community, and across the globe.
I have worked alongside mindfulness pioneers such as Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Joseph Goldstein and Sharon Salzberg, and I have taught mindfulness and meditation for corporations including Tesla, Kaiser Permanente, Facebook, Ernst & Young, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In 2014, I founded Mindfulness Exercises where over 20 million people have benefited from the free and premium resources on our site, including downloadable meditations, guided meditation scripts, mindfulness worksheets, courses, content and live online retreats.
Currently, I serve as a Lead Teacher for our Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification which is a unique, self-paced program balancing pre-recorded sessions with live mentorship and community engagement. Additionally, I serve as an Instructor for Google’s in-house mindfulness program.
Mindfulness is being aware of our moment-to-moment experience without judgment. Simple, but not easy. As a father and a husband, I understand how hard it can be to remain fully present in the seemingly ordinary moments of daily life. I am here to help.
"Sean is a wonderful teacher."
"Sean is a wonderful teacher, well practiced in the teachings of mindfulness and compassion, dedicated and thoughtful."
— Jack Kornfield
Bestselling Author and Founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center
“Sean’s mindfulness exercises helped me recover."
“Sean’s mindfulness exercises helped me recover from a painful shoulder injury so that I can get back to doing what I love most.”
— Garrett McNamara
Record Breaking Professional Surfer North Shore, Oahu
"His caring and kindness are exemplary."
"I was always grateful to work with Sean Fargo when he was at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. I find him an unusual combination of great emotional intelligence and the diligence and perseverance to get any job done. His caring and kindness are exemplary, as is his clarity and awareness."
— Sharon Salzberg
World-Renowned Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
All you have to do is choose which package you want
Mindfulness at Work | Value | Regular | Premium |
50 “BITE-SIZED” MINDFULNESS BOOSTERS — ONE-PAGE PDFs Whenever you face a challenge at work, or you feel like you want to achieve your goals faster, or become more productive, or just enjoy your work more... you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for in one or more of these 50 one-page PDFs. We call these “Bite-Sized” Mindfulness Boosters because they’re short, but powerful ways to increase your mindfulness pretty much anytime, and pretty much anywhere you are. These Mindfulness Boosters will help you improve decision-making, inspire creativity, build strong relationships, and dramatically increase your overall results and performance at work. | ($64 value) | ||
18 “BITE-SIZED” MINDFULNESS BOOSTERS — VIDEO TUTORIALS & VIDEO MEDITATIONS These short video tutorials and video meditations will help you become aware of specific “workplace biases” that we all fall prey to. You’ll also learn how to protect yourself from these biases, and avoid them, so you can perform better at work, be more productive, become more flexible and adaptive, and succeed at a higher level, all while working less! | ($47 value) | ||
BONUS #1: 10 MORE “BITE-SIZED” ‘MYSTERY’ MINDFULNESS BOOSTERS If you order now, you’ll get 10 more Mindfulness Boosters — 7 more one-page PDFs and 3 more video tutorials & meditations. But... you’ll have to order to find out what these 10 ‘mystery’ Mindfulness Boosters are! | ($17 value) | ||
BONUS #2: AUDIO-ONLY VERSIONS OF THE 21 “REDUCING WORKPLACE BIAS” TUTORIALS AND MEDITATIONS You’re a busy professional, so we wanted to give you the ability to listen to all 21 of the video tutorials and meditations in an audio-only format, so you can use them on-the-go, or while you’re doing other things, like eating lunch, driving, or exercising. This gives you ability to improve and increase your mindfulness and learn how to perform better at work, while you’re doing other things, so you don’t need to add more time to your already busy schedule to fit these in. | ($17 value) | ||
21 “REDUCING WORKPLACE BIAS” WORKSHEETS: If you really want to perform at a higher level at work, you need to be honest with yourself, and become fully aware of any and all biases that you are currently operating from. The 21 video tutorials and meditations you’re already getting in this program are a huge step in the right direction, but if you want to go deeper and really get this handled, so you can perform at even higher levels, these 21 worksheets will help you do exactly that. Each worksheet is multiple pages, beautifully designed, reinforces each concept and bias, and gives you several reflection questions and space to write responses... all of which can help you avoid, and protect yourself from, these 21 workplace biases. | ($60 value) | Cell |
Total Value: $205
67% OFF - SAVE $138
Discounted Price:
We've Got Your Back with Dedicated Customer Support

As the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, it’s my goal to ensure you get the best experience with the Mindfulness at Work Program.
Please know that you can always reach out to me directly at [email protected], or we can plan a call if you find that more convenient.
I'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Thank you!
© 2025 Mindfulness Exercises. All rights reserved.
Mailing Address: PO Box 9452, Berkeley, CA 94709