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We’d like to thank you for trusting us and for requesting the guided meditation script... so we created this special offer for you — you can get 63% off... but only if you act now!

See below...

Instant download:

200 Guided Meditation Scripts

, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts

These 200 Guided Meditation Scripts can improve your mindfulness practice, help you lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice by increasing your credibility, allowing you to quickly add new products and services, and helping you convert more leads into clients.

Our special offer for you:

Get A WHOPPING 63% OFF... And 2 SPECIAL BONUSES... But only if you act now!

(See details below...)

Thousands of people have already downloaded and used these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts...

(here’s what they say:)

“The scripts helped me to save time.”

“The scripts helped me to save time, and I love that they cover many topics, because I can choose what is relevant to things happening during the week (especially since we are all having these unique, shared global experiences at this time) and provide timely scripts for my students.”

— Veronica Lebednik

“Your meditations have helped me convert more people on my email list into clients.”

“Your meditations have helped me convert more people on my email list into clients. And as a result of using your scripts, my clients are managing stress better and are more relaxed.”

— Tony Longobardi, Board Certified Hypnotist

“Your scripts have definitely helped my business and made it so much easier.”

“Your scripts have definitely helped my business and made it so much easier. I used to have to spent a lot of time searching for different scripts to use and now I literally have hundreds at my finger tips. It's been a huge help to me.”

— Dr. K.J. Foster

“I had one student with no meditation experience... and now she’s meditating every single day! Your guided meditation scripts helped me do that.”

“I had one student that had absolutely no meditation experience, and at the end of the session, she expressed her gratitude, felt really calm, and enjoyed it, and is now actually meditating every single day... so I’m really excited that your guided meditation scripts helped me to do that.”

— Dr. Lisa Nezneski

“I used these scripts to make videos for my members and I've had incredible positive feedback from them.”

“I used these scripts to make videos for my members and I've had incredible positive feedback from them. They say it has helped them a lot, and was exactly what they needed to hear in that moment.”

— Laurie Gouley

“Your guided meditation scripts have helped stimulate a freshness to my facilitation and have been the subject of positive feedback from participants in my weekly sessions.”

“Sometimes after leading meditations for a long time, a dullness can creep in. Your guided meditation scripts have helped stimulate a freshness to my facilitation and have been the subject of positive feedback from participants in my weekly sessions.”

— Ed Tyrie

“The scripts have increased my confidence to lead meditations, and to have a variety of options.”

“Since the pandemic I lead weekly meditations for my job and my community. The scripts have increased my confidence to lead meditations and to have a variety of options. This helps me avoid using the same scripts from week to week.”

— Kenya Casey

I’ve also used these same scripts to guide meditations at:

, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts

Who are these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts for?

Do you wish you had more confidence leading meditations for others?

          These are perfect for you!

Do you feel confident leading meditations, but wish you just had more ideas and options for different meditations you could do?

          These are perfect for you!

Do you wish you could quickly and easily produce a large amount of valuable content that you could share with your members, followers, or clients?

          These are perfect for you!

Do you wish you could add more variety to your meditation sessions? Would you like to be able to do a different meditation almost every time you lead your clients or members in a session?

          These are perfect for you!

Do you want more ideas for how to create your own meditations?

          These are perfect for you!

Are you a therapist, counselor, teacher, coach, or anyone else who leads others in meditation?

          These are perfect for you!

Are you just getting started leading others in meditation?

          These are perfect for you!

Are you an experienced meditation teacher or leader, but you want to freshen things up?

          These are perfect for you!

Are you a beginner or experienced meditator, and you’d like to just improve your own practice?

          These are perfect for you!

What can you do with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts?

(And what can’t you do with them?)

Each of these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts comes as a separate downloadable PDF file.

Here’s what you can do with them:

  • You can read them aloud for individuals or groups. These guided meditations were uniquely formatted to make it easy for you to read them phrase-by-phrase and line-by-line.
  • You can use these scripts to make audio and video recordings. You can share these recordings online, play them during meditation sessions you are leading, and you can even sell these recordings too.
  • You can use these guided meditation scripts to create courses, that you can share and sell.
  • You can also use these scripts privately, in your own meditation sessions.

Here’s what you can’t do with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts:

  • You can’t resell them in the original format they come in. You cannot take these PDF files as they are and resell them to others.
  • However, as mentioned above, you CAN use them to create audio and video recordings and courses, and those you can share freely, and even sell to others. You just cannot sell the PDF files, either as they are, or rebranded.

What exactly do you get with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts?

You get access to 200 PDF files, each of which is a different guided meditation script, and you can download all of these files and save them to your computer right now... even if it’s 2:00 AM!

Each PDF file is beautifully designed, and formatted to be easy-to-read, easy-to-follow, and easy-to-understand.

Each script is designed for you to be able to read aloud or record right from the sheet, phrase-by-phrase and line-by-line. Of course, you’re also free to modify the scripts or edit them in any way that suits you.

These scripts use evidence-based techniques and methods for increasing mindfulness, while decreasing stress, anxiety, depression and overwhelm.

These 200 scripts have been shown to significantly enhance the quality of mindfulness in thousands of people from all walks of life, all around the world.

What kinds of meditations are included?

Here is the full list of every Guided Meditation Script you get!

Compassion, Love, & Forgiveness

  • A Break for Self-Compassion
  • Affectionate Breathing
  • Awareness of People Just Like You
  • Awareness of What You Like About Yourself
  • Breathing In Compassion for Self and Breathing Out Compassion for Others
  • Compassion - Four Infinite Thoughts
  • Compassion for Your Whole Body
  • Daily Practices for Love and Happiness
  • Forgiveness Meditation
  • Giving Kindness to Your Mind and Thoughts
  • Giving Yourself Care Through Physical Touch
  • Giving Yourself Compassion for a Difficult Situation
  • Giving Yourself Compassion for Failures and Mistakes
  • Giving Yourself Love and Kindness
  • In Depth Practice for Self-Compassion
  • Letting Go of Resentments by Forgiving Faults
  • Loving Kindness
  • Ordinary Kindness
  • Receiving Care for Yourself and Giving Care to Others
  • Recognition and Care for Those Who Frustrate You
  • Recognizing What You Need
  • Reflecting on Self-Compassion
  • Seeing Other People as Human Beings Rather Than Labels
  • Self-Love Meditation
  • Steps to Self-Soothe
  • Visualizing Receiving Love and Care
  • Wishing Ourselves and Others Well
  • Wishing Well Being for Ourselves and Others

Stress & Anxiety

  • A Breathing Anchor for Your Wandering Mind
  • Alleviate Stress with Three Deep Breaths
  • Breathe Away Anxious Thoughts
  • Breathing for Medium Amounts of Stress
  • Deep Breathing
  • Dropping the Suitcases of Worries and Regrets
  • Easing the Mind
  • Extending the Exhale
  • Focused Attention to Settle the Mind
  • Guided Visualization
  • Immersing Your Awareness into the Breath
  • Mindful Media
  • Mindfulness for Anxiety and Stress
  • Notice and Accept Your Body in the Present Moment
  • Nothing Thoughts to See Where the Mind Is
  • Noting, Thinking or Feeling
  • Re-relaxing the Drifting Mind with a Home Base
  • Relieving Anxiety
  • Relieving Low Amounts of Stress
  • Relieving Stress With SBNRR
  • Resolving Internal Conflict
  • Simply Stopping
  • Soft Belly Breathing
  • Stilling the Mind
  • Stress Relief with Breathing
  • Visualization of a Beach for Well-Being
  • Visualization Stress as a Storm

Relaxation, Presence, Happiness, & Acceptance

  • 5 Minutes to Regain Calm, Clarity, and Confidence
  • 5-Minute Simply Breathing Meditation
  • Awareness in Three Parts
  • Awareness of the Changing World
  • Awareness of Using Social Media
  • Awareness of Your Problem Without Fixing It
  • Awareness When You Are Killing Time
  • Become Aware then Focus and Expand Awareness
  • Breathing and Noting
  • Bringing Your Mind Back from Thoughts
  • Bringing Yourself into the Present Moment
  • Building Abilities to Communicate, Have Patience and Manage Time
  • Cultivating a Stable Mind
  • Experience Your Mind Like an Ocean
  • Feeling Tones- Pleasant, Unpleasant, Neutral
  • Feeling Your Body and Mind as a Lake
  • Finding the Breath
  • Focusing on Your Happy Baby
  • Focusing Your Attention Using Breath
  • Gladdening the Mind
  • Growing Happiness in the Mind
  • Intention to be Happy
  • Laying Down Meditation and Visualizing a Lake
  • Mindfulness of Breath
  • Mindfulness of the Present Moment Without Any Goals
  • Mindfulness While Waiting in Line
  • Noticing What Brings You Joy
  • Noting Without Identifying
  • One Complete Cycle of Breath
  • Open Awareness, Focus ion the Breath
  • Opening Your Awareness to Whatever is Arising
  • Pleasant vs Unpleasant
  • Several Meditations in 1
  • The Practice of Smiling
  • Three Mindful Breaths (Extended)
  • Three Mindful Breaths
  • Two Minutes of Mindful Breathing (Extended)
  • Two Minutes of Mindful Breathing
  • Using a Trigger for Mindfulness
  • Using the Power of Your Mind
  • Visiting Your Safe Place
  • Visualizing Your Day as You Wake Up
  • Visualizing Your Peaceful and Beautiful Place
  • What is Open Awareness?
  • Whole Body Breathing


  • 12 Intentions of Gratitude
  • Affirmations of Gratitude
  • Appreciating the Little Things
  • Appreciating Things in Your Life
  • Ending the Day with Gratitude
  • Experience of Gratitude
  • Filling Your Cup Meditation
  • Focusing on the Positive Moments Throughout the Day
  • Gratitude - Appreciating the Simple Things
  • Gratitude and Gladness
  • Gratitude for Breath, Body and Mind
  • Gratitude for Your Body
  • Gratitude Is Not in the Words
  • Heart-Centered Gratitude
  • Making Room for Gratitude
  • Mind Appreciation Meditation
  • Sharing Gratitude
  • Starting the Day with Gratitude
  • The Foundation for All Abundance
  • The Power of Gratitude for Sleep

Mindfulness of Emotions & Thoughts

  • Alleviate Depression
  • Alleviate Feelings of Anger and Resentment
  • Alleviate Your Feeling of Loneliness
  • Attending to Emotional, Mental or External Difficulties
  • Being Mindful and Present with Negative Emotions
  • Build Resilience to Your Response to Anger
  • Clarity of Your Emotion
  • Dealing with Negative Thoughts
  • Emotion as the Object of Focus
  • Noting Your Judgments
  • Observe Judging with Awareness
  • Recognizing Your Resilience to Difficulty
  • Reduce Envy and Celebrate Others
  • Reducing Depression with Someone Else's Love
  • Releasing Grief and Bringing in the Positive
  • Releasing the Pressure of Emotions
  • Rewriting Your Bad Day
  • Stopping Obsessive Thoughts About the Past
  • Understanding Your Emotions
  • Using R.A.I.N. for Difficult Emotions and Thoughts
  • When Your Mind Wanders

Pain Management

  • A Safe Place to Deal with Pain
  • Changing Your Perspective on Pain
  • Deep State of Relaxation for Chronic Pain
  • Making Room for Pain or Discomfort
  • Pain - Body Scan
  • Pain - Breathing and Deep Body Scan


  • A Visualization to Relax the Mind for Deep Sleep
  • Bedtime Mindfulness
  • Mental Relaxation for Sleep
  • Relaxation for Sleep
  • Simple Sleep Meditation
  • Sleep Appreciation
  • Sleep Longer with More Ease
  • Total Body Relaxation for Sleep
  • Visualization of a Sleepy Train Ride
  • Visualizing a Beautiful Island for Sleep

Leadership, Confidence, Focus, & Energy

  • Becoming Motivated
  • Boosting Your Brainwaves
  • Bringing Energy and Alertness to Your Mind
  • Building Confidence for Social Settings and Meeting New People
  • Concentrating Your Mind
  • Exploring Yourself as a Leader
  • Feeling Strong and Confident
  • Financial Abundance
  • Focus - Extreme Concentration
  • Focus and Eliminating Distractions
  • Focused Attention and Concentration
  • Focusing on Healthy Food Choices
  • Get Better at Feeling and Noticing
  • Learning How to Focus by Focusing on the Details of the Day
  • Motivation When You are Unmotivated
  • Restoring Confidence When Negatively Impacted
  • Setting Goals and Accomplishing Them
  • The Importance of Daily Practice

Sensory, Body Scan, & Movement

  • Awareness of Each of the Five Senses
  • Awareness of 4 Elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire
  • Awareness of Smell While Walking
  • Awareness of the Body's Points of Contact
  • Awareness When Walking
  • Body Appreciation Meditation
  • Body Awareness and Where It Is
  • Body Scan with Liquid Sunlight
  • Body Scan, Advanced
  • Body Scan, Guided Meditation Script
  • Body Scan, Intermediate
  • Breathing and Meditating for Self-Healing
  • Breathing While Touching Your Fingers
  • Bringing Awareness to the Entire Body
  • Calming the Body
  • Concentrating on Breath, Sound, and Sight
  • Earth Element
  • Feeling Your Feet Throughout the Day
  • Focusing on the Colors You See
  • Grounding Body Scan
  • Grounding Through Body Awareness
  • Mindful Bathing
  • Mindful Body
  • Mindful Cleaning
  • Mindful Cooking
  • Mindful Journaling
  • Mindful of Your Food and Eating
  • Mindfulness of Doing the Dishes
  • Mindfulness When You Drive
  • Noticing Movement Through Breath
  • Ocean Mind
  • Open Awareness for Thoughts and Senses
  • Sense of Sound
  • Settling Your Mind by Picturing Your Body as a Bowl
  • Shopping Mindfully
  • Short Body Scan
  • The Rhythm of the Breath Flowing Through the Body
  • Using Sounds as the Object of Your Awareness
  • Walking Meditation

Family, Kids, & Relationships

  • Being Present For Your Baby
  • Connecting with Your Baby
  • Focusing on Pregnancy and Motherhood
  • Gratitude for Pregnancy
  • Listening and Speaking with a Partner
  • Mindfulness for Kids
  • Mindfulness While Speaking with Others
  • Reflecting on a Role Model
  • Teen Meditation to Believe in Yourself

Addiction, Trauma, & Healing

  • Cultivating a Sense of Agency to Overcome Trauma
  • Dealing with Addiction
  • Focusing on Being a Healthy Person
  • Relax, Accept, Break Habits, Learn and Be Happy
  • Visualizing a Fountain for Healing
  • Working with Attachment and Addiction

Consciousness, Higher Self, & Wisdom

  • Higher Self Meditation
  • Imagining Your Inner Land to Build Healthy Boundaries
  • Imagining Your Tree of Knowledge
  • Infinite Awareness
  • Manifestation Meditation
  • Mental Subtractions of Positive Events
  • Mindfulness While Being Creative
  • Reflecting on a Positive Future
  • Reflecting on What Connected You
  • Starting Your Day with Mindfulness
  • What The World Needs
  • Your Future Potential

What’s the price?

I normally charge $181 for these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts, but as a special thanks to you for trusting us and requesting our 8 Most Popular Guided Meditation Scripts, I’d like to offer you this complete package of 200 Guided Meditation Scripts for 63% off — just $67.

And if you act now, I’m also going to give you two special bonuses (see below)...

You can get this big discount and these bonuses if you act now... but because this is such a steep discount and these bonuses are so valuable, I can’t make this offer for too long, so get yours today!

The other nice thing is...

These scripts come with a 100% money-back guarantee, so you can try them out with no risk, and make sure they work for you. I want you to be totally satisfied and feel like you got real value from this, so if you decide for any reason that these scripts aren’t for you, I’ll gladly refund all your money, no questions asked.


If you order right now, you’ll also get these 2 great bonuses:


10 Guided Audio Meditations For Better Sleep

, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts

A lot of us take the thoughts, worries, and anxieties of our busy, frenetic days into our sleep with us, and this can derail our body’s and our mind’s ability to fully rest and restore at night.

Many of us have trouble falling asleep... staying asleep... or falling back asleep after waking in the middle of the night.

I created a program with 10 guided audio meditations, designed specifically to help you leave your day behind — whether it was good or bad, let go of the tension in your body and your mind, relax, help you feel some gratitude and kindness toward yourself, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep.

You can listen to the audios before you go to sleep, or as you’re falling asleep, and they will help calm you down, and get you ready for a good night’s sleep.

These are the 10 audio guided meditations you get in this bonus:

  • Alleviating Tension In Your Body & Mind
  • Counting Each Exhale
  • Freewriting Before Bed
  • Grounding
  • Loving Kindness
  • Nourishing Your Body with Attention
  • Relaxing Your Body
  • The Importance of Temperature
  • The Power of Gratitude
  • Touching Your Belly & Heart

Each guided meditation is an MP3 file that you can easily download and save on any computer and any mobile device. We can help you with this if you get stuck. You can reach us at [email protected] if you need any help.


E-Book: "Finding Me: A Journey To Getting To Know Yourself & Where You Want To Be"

, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts

We all lose touch with ourselves at some point in life - it's completely normal. 

Whether you're middle-aged and facing the reality that your kids are leaving for college...

Or you have young kids and are just realizing that somewhere in the midst of being a parent, you've lost yourself...

Or maybe you're facing the breakup of a marriage...

Or you're leaving an abusive or oppressive marriage...

Or maybe you're living the life set out for you by someone else — your parents, perhaps.

Whatever the reason... if you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?" this book is for you.

In this short book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. And on this journey, you will get to know a little bit more about who you are.

Here are just a few of the important things you’ll learn in this brief, but powerful book:

  • Why you sometimes reach a point in your life and wonder, “How the hell did I get here?” and what to do if you’re in that spot now...
  • Why your job, your accomplishments, and your relationships may not be living up to your expectations or hopes for what they should be.
  • In Chapter 1, we’ll do some guided imagery and explore some questions and answers that will help you start to experience more peace, contentment, and satisfaction around your job, your accomplishments, your relationships, and other areas of your life.
  • What you can do right now to start feeling better about yourself and your life the way it is right now. Many people think they need to add things to their life, and that they need more of this or that... but feeling better about what you already have, right now, can be just as powerful, if not more powerful... and wonderful!
  • We’ll also see if we can find any patterns that exist for you, so you can also arrange the different parts of your external life, so you can enjoy that more as well!
  • In Chapter 2 we’re going to focus on something that is powerful and fun! This is something that most people hardly ever acknowledge in themselves, but it may be the most powerful way to build good things in your life, and plow your way through those difficult challenges and roadblocks ahead of you... so, don’t miss Chapter 2!
  • In Chapter 2, we’ll also do Guided Imagery #2 - Looking at The Bright Side...
, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts
  • You’ll learn why I'm a firm believer that everyone is, currently, who they are meant to be right now at this exact moment, but also an advocate for self-improvement. (see Chapter 3)
  • (In each chapter, you’ll also get questions to help you reflect and do some journaling, if you find that helpful.)
  • You’ll learn one of the biggest reasons so many people regularly have, and suffer with, the thought, “I’m not good enough.”
  • In Chapter 3, we’ll spend some time looking forward... at “Who You Want To Be.”
  • In Chapter 4, you’ll learn how incongruency can destroy your self-esteem... (and how to handle it differently, so it actually makes you feel BETTER about yourself, instead!)
  • In Chapter 5, we’ll look at how to build the path to the you that you want to be.
  • You’ll learn why most of us, at certain times, don’t see all the abundance and resources we have sitting right in front of us, totally available to us... and how to cultivate a greater awareness of these gifts, so we can USE them more of the time!
  • And lots more!


If you select our Premium package (which is only $20 more)...

You also get this ONLINE COURSE:

How To Guide Mindfulness Meditations for Well-Being And Resilience

Guiding others in mindfulness meditation can be tricky.

This online course includes 5 videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact

This course is the perfect complement to the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts!

This premium course normally sells as a standalone program for $77 by itself, but if you select the Premium package below, you can get this entire online course for just $20!

, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts

Here’s just a small sample of what you’re going to learn in the course:

  • You’ll learn what mindfulness actually is... (lots of people misunderstand what it really is!) This definition will help you... and the people you are leading in meditation.
  • Mindfulness isn’t just being present. There are two more ingredients that are critical. You’ll learn these in the course, and how to teach them.
  • You’ll learn WHY it’s so important to be in the present moment. Many people don’t know the reason, but it’s actually very important.
  • How to skillfully read guided meditations so your members get the most from each session, even if you have no experience yet.
  • You only ever have one goal in mindfulness, and this goal is very different from the goals that most people have. This is one of the challenges of mindfulness, and knowing this can be very beneficial if you want to lead others in meditation and mindfulness training.
  • You’ll learn the Being and Doing modes and why it’s important to understand how they affect people’s ability to learn and understand mindfulness.
  • Your state of mind as the teacher and leader is critical. The degree to which you can embody nonjudgmental awareness is a strong determining factor in students’ openness to the teaching and practices.
  • How to use metaphors to teach and help students understand mindfulness... with real examples you can start using right now.
  • How to help students see their personal difficulties as human difficulties, and how this can be a crossroads in their understanding and even a catalyst to personal healing.
, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts
  • Why you shouldn’t ‘step in’ and solve students’ problems for them, but rather let them allow their difficulties.. This is a powerful lesson you should not deprive your students of.
  • How to effectively navigate a group dynamic, and help foster a positive learning experience for everyone, even when negative agendas, competition, and pettiness surface among members of the group.
  • The Three Elements needed to skillfully and successfully guide a group through meditation and mindfulness practice.
  • What you can do as a new teacher and meditation leader to help your members be more present during meditations.
  • The importance of the environment in which you teach and lead meditation, and what you can do to make it more conducive to learning, openness, and trust.
  • There are two important components of mindfulness practice — attention and attitude. Attention is what to do, attitude is how to do it. Both are necessary for effective mindfulness practice. You’ll learn more about both so you can make sure your students and members are aware and using both components in the right way.
  • You’ll learn 3 powerful attitudes that create more space, openness, and presence for most people. Teach your members to embody these attitudes and they can experience much different states than they normally do.
  • How to help students who are worried about having no experience with meditation.
  • Why space and silence are so important in mindfulness, and a highly-effective way to cultivate them in your environment and in your sessions with students and members.
, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts
  • Every teacher brings biases and expectations into the room. How to deal with yours effectively, and how to be compassionate with yourself when it doesn’t always work perfectly.
  • Why it’s important to focus on the process, rather than results, and how to convey this to your students and members.
  • Why balance is so important if you lead and teach meditations... and what things you need to balance... and how to actually balance them.
  • Questions and prompts you can use with students to help them notice their experience more.
  • How to make your students feel like they are in the driver’s seat of their own experience, and why this is so important...
  • Common misunderstandings, objections, and questions that you will encounter as a meditation and mindfulness teacher... and how to handle them skillfully.
  • Exact, word-for-word language you can use to invite your students, instead of directing them.
  • The different segments of a meditation session, how to structure your sessions, how to create consistency for students, and how to prepare and systematize things so all of this becomes easier and less time-consuming for you.
  • And there’s lots more...

All you have to do is choose which package you want —


(These 63% OFF prices and the bonuses are only available if you act now!)

200 Guided Meditation Scripts





Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts.

($132 value)


These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep.

($34 value)


If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want!

($15 value)


Guiding others in mindfulness meditations can be tricky. This online course includes 5 videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact.

($54 value)










> > > TODAY'S PRICE, 63% OFF






  • 200 GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPTS. Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts. ($132 value)
  • BONUS #1: 10 GUIDED AUDIO MEDITATIONS FOR BETTER SLEEP. These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep. ($34 value)
  • BONUS #2: E-BOOK: "FINDING ME: A JOURNEY TO GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF & WHERE YOU WANT TO BE". If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want! ($15 value)








  • 200 GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPTS. Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts. ($132 value)
  • BONUS #1: 10 GUIDED AUDIO MEDITATIONS FOR BETTER SLEEP. These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep. ($34 value)
  • BONUS #2: E-BOOK: "FINDING ME: A JOURNEY TO GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF & WHERE YOU WANT TO BE". If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want! ($15 value)
  • ONLINE COURSE: HOW TO GUIDE MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONS FOR WELL-BEING AND RESILIENCE. Guiding others in mindfulness meditations can be tricky. This online course includes 5 videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact. ($54 value)








  • Regardless of which package you select above (REGULAR or PREMIUM), you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts, and the other components of the package you choose, immediately after you place your order, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.
  • This 63% OFF discount and the bonuses are only available IF YOU ACT NOW! This is a special offer to thank you for trusting us and for requesting our 8 Most Popular Guided Meditation Scripts, but this offer won’t last long, so place your order now!
  • Both packages come with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get these scripts, the bonuses and the course (if you select Premium) and try everything out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

What people are saying about the 200 Guided Meditations Scripts...

“I feel I’m more confident, and clear in guiding my students in meditation.”

— Linda Orvietto

“I was starting up my mindfulness and wellbeing practice and these were so helpful to me to help build my confidence in leading meditation and mindful sessions. My students loved them and I am still using them online with my followers as well as now being able to start to write and think of my own. They are easy to access and easy to follow.

Amazing! I use your scripts a lot and they have really helped to grow my business. I always say that I use your scripts if people ask me where I get them from. They have also helped me in beginning to write my own scripts.”

— Sally Walker

“I have experienced an increased confidence in providing guided meditations using the Guided Mediation Scripts. Ironically, it has also helped me in my personal meditation practice. The scripts are helping to establish and grow my business as its transitioning from a federal consultant to private coaching and consulting for health and wellness.”

— Aundrea Veney

A slight concern I had was I wasn’t sure of the content. When purchasing materials like these, one really never knows how the materials will be used. My goal was to improve my leadership style in delivering guided meditations. I have been using some of the scripts in my private coaching sessions with clients where I can get direct feedback, and my clients have benefited a great deal from these scripts connecting to their true nature and entering the meditation in a calm and clear way.

— George Marino

“The 200 Guided Meditation Scripts have helped me become more confident about writing my own scripts and even leading meditation without scripts. Having more content and a broader range of subjects has been excellent for my learning and my community. My classes are more engaged, so people are coming back for more.

— Shane Cooke

“I wanted to see more ideas on how to target themes for meditation and get some new ideas for my own. People seem to love my guided meditations. I always share when I am pulling from others scripts and yours are the main ones I pull from. I am finding that doing them on Zoom, virtually, is even more effective. Everyone is needing compassion and time to be still and I offer it as part of all of my programs. Your scripts have been very helpful.

— Joan Fletcher

“I am a teacher, social worker and more recently a CEO. In my retirement, I have maintained contact with my agency via community based service staff and I wanted to bring mindfulness activities to them especially during COVID.

Each week I offer 15 minutes via zoom and the feedback is extremely positive. Staff tell me the mindfulness and awareness that they are developing is exceptionally helpful in managing the stress they have experienced in supporting children and young adults with a disability during COVID and beyond.”

— Marie Lugg

“I wanted to add simple, guided meditations to my customized programs depending on the clients desired outcome.  An offering like this was appealing so that I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel. The scripts have helped me take meditation into different avenues than before by the volume of options that afford me the opportunity to modify based on client needs, so that it is more authentic to me and solving their challenges.”

— Bonnie Berry

My interest was in introducing variety. The introduction of guided meditation, to our practice, traditionally (a movement, a reading, silent meditation, walking meditation and conversation), and going from in-person to online, introduced change. As a group we started embracing change. Your scripts helped.

— Bob Kelly

“My goal is to create my own wellness community, and to start, I was motivated to purchase the scripts because I have permission to use them, and I love how well organized everything is. I do feel more confident to use the guided scripts because I know that everything will flow naturally. I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to sharing with community and this definitely gives me an advantage to do my best when the time comes. I love everything. I have no complaints.”

— Shalandra Collins

Don’t BUY… TRY!

Try the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts, the Bonuses, and the Online Course

RISK-FREE for 60 Days!

, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts

The REGULAR and the PREMIUM packages both come with a 60-day, no-hassles, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee. Take the next 60 days to test drive everything to MAKE SURE you are getting the results you want!

If you’re not getting the results you want, or you’re not completely ecstatic, or you just decide to change your mind... just contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase at [email protected], and we will immediately issue you a full refund

Why do I offer a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee on the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts?

  • To show you how confident I am in this program. These scripts use evidence-based techniques and methods for increasing mindfulness, while decreasing stress, anxiety, depression and overwhelm. And, they’ve already helped hundreds of counselors, therapists, teachers and leaders to guide others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and build their businesses and practices, too.
  • I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can get this program and use it with peace-of-mind. Once you start using these scripts, you’ll see what a powerful resource they can be. So, I want you to be able to start using them as soon as possible, so you can start helping more people improve their lives. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether these scripts will work, or whether they’re worth it or not, or anything like that. With my 60-day guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and give these a full test-drive, and then if you feel they weren’t worth your investment, we’ll happily refund all your money. 

So, don’t BUY the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts…

TRY them out first, for a full 60 days, with no risk.

And if at any time during that period, you want your money back instead, just let my team know, and you will have it!

We've Got Your Back with Dedicated Customer Support

As the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises, it’s my goal to ensure you get the best experience with these 200 Mindfulness Meditation Scripts.

Please know that you can always reach out to me directly at [email protected], or we can plan a call if you find that more convenient.

I'd love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts? (And what can’t I do with them?)

You can read them aloud for individuals or groups, you can use them to make audio and video recordings, you can share those recordings online, play them during meditation sessions you are leading, and you can even sell those recordings too. 

You can also use these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts to create courses, that you can share and sell. And of course, you can use these scripts privately, in your own meditation sessions. You cannot take these PDF files as they are, and resell them to others. You also cannot rebrand these files and then resell them to others.

Can I modify the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts?

Yes, you can edit the language or modify them however you want for the sake of guiding people in your own voice and in a way that feels comfortable to you, as long as you do not resell the PDF files as they are, or rebranded.

Are the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts Buddhist? Are they religious?

No, these scripts are all secular, evidence-based meditations meant for enhancing nonjudgmental, moment-to-moment awareness of experience. These are not dogmatic or religious scripts.

How long are the scripts?

Some are as short as a few minutes, and others can be as long as 45 - 60 minutes long, depending on how long you wish to incorporate silence in between sections.

What format do the scripts come in? Written? Audio? Video?

The scripts come in written format. Each of the 200 scripts is a separate PDF file that’s been beautifully designed and formatted to be easy-to-read, easy-to-follow, and easy-to-understand. You are free to record audios or videos using the scripts, and you can share those recordings and even sell them to others if you like.

When do the scripts arrive? When do I get them after I order?

Nothing will be sent in the mail. This program is 100% digital, which means you can download everything in this program from the internet. And regardless of which package you select above, you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts, and the other components of the package you select, immediately after you place your order.

Can I download the scripts and save them to my computer? Will they work with my computer? Will they work with my mobile phone? Will they work on my tablet?

Yes, right after you order, you can immediately access all 200 scripts and download all of them onto your computer. And since these are PDF files, they will work with any kind of computer, and any kind of mobile device or tablet.

Who created the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts?

, INTENTION: 50 Free Meditation Scripts

Hi, my name is Sean Fargo and I’d like to tell you a little bit about me, so you can feel comfortable that the scripts and other programs you’re considering here come from a credible authority, with expert-level training and experience.

Here are a few relevant facts about me:

  • Former Buddhist monk for 2 years
  • Mindfulness Consultant for Tesla, Facebook, InsightTimer, Kaiser Permanente, Docusign, PG&E, Reddit, and others
  • Mindfulness Teacher for Families at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
  • Certified Instructor at Search Inside Yourself (the Mindfulness Program at Google)
  • Founder of
  • Director of Mindfulness Programs at WellBrain Healthcare
  • Mindfulness Advisor to Elevate Labs (Apple’s App Of The Year)
  • Certified Executive Coach, New Ventures West
  • Official instructor for over 100 mindfulness teachers worldwide

"Sean is a wonderful teacher."

"Sean is a wonderful teacher, well practiced in the teachings of mindfulness and compassion, dedicated and thoughtful."

Jack Kornfield

Bestselling Author and Founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center

“Sean’s mindfulness exercises helped me recover."

“Sean’s mindfulness exercises helped me recover from a painful shoulder injury so that I can get back to doing what I love most.”

Garrett McNamara

Record Breaking Professional Surfer North Shore, Oahu

"His caring and kindness are exemplary."

"I was always grateful to work with Sean Fargo when he was at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. I find him an unusual combination of great emotional intelligence and the diligence and perseverance to get any job done. His caring and kindness are exemplary, as is his clarity and awareness."

Sharon Salzberg

World-Renowned Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

Take advantage of this special 63% off sale while it’s still happening...

and TEST-DRIVE these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts for 60 Days with NO RISK.

All you have to do is choose which package you want —


200 Guided Meditation Scripts





Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts.

($132 value)


These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep.

($34 value)


If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want!

($15 value)


Guiding others in mindfulness meditations can be tricky. This online course includes 5 videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact.

($54 value)










> > > TODAY'S PRICE, 63% OFF






  • 200 GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPTS. Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts. ($132 value)
  • BONUS #1: 10 GUIDED AUDIO MEDITATIONS FOR BETTER SLEEP. These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep. ($34 value)
  • BONUS #2: E-BOOK: "FINDING ME: A JOURNEY TO GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF & WHERE YOU WANT TO BE". If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want! ($15 value)








  • 200 GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPTS. Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts. ($132 value)
  • BONUS #1: 10 GUIDED AUDIO MEDITATIONS FOR BETTER SLEEP. These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep. ($34 value)
  • BONUS #2: E-BOOK: "FINDING ME: A JOURNEY TO GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF & WHERE YOU WANT TO BE". If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want! ($15 value)
  • ONLINE COURSE: HOW TO GUIDE MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONS FOR WELL-BEING AND RESILIENCE. Guiding others in mindfulness meditations can be tricky. This online course includes 5 videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact. ($54 value)








  • Regardless of which package you select above (REGULAR or PREMIUM), you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts, and the other components of the package you choose, immediately after you place your order, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.
  • This 63% OFF discount and the bonuses are only available IF YOU ACT NOW! This is a special offer to thank you for trusting us and for requesting our 8 Most Popular Guided Meditation Scripts, but this offer won’t last long, so place your order now!
  • Both packages come with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get these scripts, the bonuses and the course (if you select Premium) and try everything out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

What people are saying about the 200 Guided Meditations Scripts...

I'm a new meditation teacher and I was hoping for inspiration. The scripts have met that goal and exceeded my initial need. I teach at a local studio and as a result of the scripts: I've used the full or parts of the scripts as inspiration to create my own scripts for online meditation, inspiration during power vinyasa mindfulness moments, and to help students drop in deeper during yin classes.

— P.J.

“It has given me more confidence to help guide people through meditation. Since I am working with more people online I could just glance at the screen if I ever need any guidance in the next cue I should say. The way you organized the meditations is great, especially if I want to customize them for a specific student. Since the meditations are focused on a specific need it provides me more confidence in myself and in being able to guide the student in the right direction.”

— Yoga Rove

“I saw the benefits of using them immediately; the time I would have spent writing my own scripts has been more productively spent recording them and gifting to friends and potential clients. So thank you for that 🙂  

During the pandemic lockdown in March, I set up a Facebook group to show the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, I recorded some of the scripts for that group. the scripts make me feel more confident leading meditations. I think the scripts lend credibility to what I am trying to achieve. They are professional and I believe that's a good thing for my clients! I have received really great feedback from the group about the meditation scripts.

— Tracey Woodley

I did have some hesitation - I’ve been a Yoga teacher, therapist and meditation teacher for many years so I did wonder just how much more I could learn from purchasing a script package. I’m happy to admit that my hesitation was unfounded though - the variety and quality is exceptional. I was looking for targeted meditation scripts for my private therapy work - for example, one of my clients has problems with accepting her weight and with self love and compassion. 

The self-love meditation brought her to tears and is one of her favorites to listen to daily now. The scripts are an added benefit to my Yoga Therapy clients that when they come to me for a session, we usually do a guided relaxation and I sometimes use a script targeted to their particular need. Sometimes we go on to record a meditation for their personal use, and they love listening to these whenever they need to. It’s added an extra layer to my service, which is wonderful.

— Angela Vergotis

“I wanted to offer my teens more opportunities for guided meditations that helped them cope with certain aspects of what they deal with on a regular basis. My students really like the variety in the guided scripts and have said that they look forward to the guided meditations. It is definitely more comfortable for me having an outline to go from and be able to have something like this to guide my students. My students have said that they have helped free up some space in their minds and give them something to look forward to each class.”

— Nicole Juhl

“I wanted it for myself to do some different meditations but also when I have clients that I can do a meditation recording specific for the person, to guide them into a meditation. I also do workshops online sometimes and that’s why I wanted a script as well to follow and take one subject to meditate on. I used only a few so far and the people who are using them love it and go back to them all the time.

— Marga Wiekens

I definitely feel more confident in leading the meditations. The change in others that I noticed is that it has allowed an environment for more discussion, before and after sessions.  My students are finding their own comfort level or "window of tolerance" as I am finding mine. I am the teacher and the student at the same time.”

— Noni

“Getting these scripts, which are so varied and detailed, has allowed me to offer meditation on a wide variety of subjects and has enabled me to run spontaneous sessions with little to no advance notice and very little prep time. An increase in my confidence is probably the greatest outcome.

— R. Mangat

“I do approximately 4 guided meditations a week at an Intensive Outpatient Program thru Hartford Hospital and frankly was running out of material and looking for new ideas to focus on. The scripts have been helpful in having topic sessions with my groups. I appreciate what you have put together.”

— Jacqueline Kelsey

“I lead a meditation Monday - Thursday evenings on Zoom. I wanted to have a bank of meditations so I wasn't leading the same one every night. People really appreciate the time we spend together. And it's calming, which we all need right now. I do them from 8 pm - 8:30 pm PDT so its right before people are winding down their evenings.”

— Gayle Dillon

Which package is right for you?


(These 63% OFF prices and the bonuses are only available if you act now!)

200 Guided Meditation Scripts





Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts.

($132 value)


These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep.

($34 value)


If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want!

($15 value)


Guiding others in mindfulness meditations can be tricky. This online course includes 5 videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact.

($54 value)










> > > TODAY'S PRICE, 63% OFF






  • 200 GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPTS. Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts. ($132 value)
  • BONUS #1: 10 GUIDED AUDIO MEDITATIONS FOR BETTER SLEEP. These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep. ($34 value)
  • BONUS #2: E-BOOK: "FINDING ME: A JOURNEY TO GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF & WHERE YOU WANT TO BE". If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want! ($15 value)








  • 200 GUIDED MEDITATION SCRIPTS. Improve your mindfulness practice, lead others in meditation with more confidence and skill, and grow your business or practice with these 200 Guided Meditation Scripts. ($132 value)
  • BONUS #1: 10 GUIDED AUDIO MEDITATIONS FOR BETTER SLEEP. These 10 guided audio meditations are designed to help you leave your day behind, let go of tension, relax, cultivate gratitude and kindness, and help you prepare for a deep, restful sleep. ($34 value)
  • BONUS #2: E-BOOK: "FINDING ME: A JOURNEY TO GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF & WHERE YOU WANT TO BE". If you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?", this book is for you. In this short, but powerful book, you and I will go on a healing journey together. You will get to know yourself a little better, and start building the life you really want! ($15 value)
  • ONLINE COURSE: HOW TO GUIDE MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONS FOR WELL-BEING AND RESILIENCE. Guiding others in mindfulness meditations can be tricky. This online course includes 5 videos and an accompanying ebook that will teach you how to lead meditations with integrity, confidence and impact. ($54 value)








  • Regardless of which package you select above (REGULAR or PREMIUM), you get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts, and the other components of the package you choose, immediately after you place your order, even if it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.
  • This 63% OFF discount and the bonuses are only available IF YOU ACT NOW! This is a special offer to thank you for trusting us and for requesting our 8 Most Popular Guided Meditation Scripts, but this offer won’t last long, so place your order now!
  • Both packages come with a 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. So… get these scripts, the bonuses and the course (if you select Premium) and try everything out! You have a full 60 days to go through everything, and see what results you get. If you’re not happy for any reason, let us know within 60 days of your purchase date and we’ll gladly refund all your money.

© 2025 Mindfulness Exercises. All rights reserved.

Mailing Address: PO Box 9452, Berkeley, CA 94709
