I'm so glad you decided to join my Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program.
I promise it's going to make a HUGE difference in your journey, and in your work as a guide helping others along on their journey.
In the next few minutes you can expect to get an email from me with your login credentials for the membership area.
While we wait for that, there's just one more thing I want to show you that can shortcut the path between you and your success as a mindfulness meditation instructor.
And it has to do with what you're going to teach YOUR students once you're a fully trained and certified teacher.
Now the BIGGEST MISTAKE I made when I first began teaching mindfulness and meditation is that I was constantly “winging it.”
I would wait until the last minute to come up with an agenda for a session — or I would "borrow" a random lesson from another mindfulness teacher on the internet.
There was absolutely no continuity to what I was doing because I had no real plan or program to guide people through... AND so the results were often disappointing.
The sad part is, my students noticed it. They could tell that I was just “flying by the seat of my pants” — and that made them wonder whether I was a true professional — and even question my credibility on this subject.
Eventually, I realized that I couldn’t keep reinventing the wheel every time I wanted to teach someone new.
So I decided that I needed to streamline my training business by creating a unified program that I could use every time I taught a new student — a curriculum that would ensure a consistently high-level experience for every single one of my clients.
I was very overworked and burned out at the time, so my hope was also that this new unified program would also cut down on my workload, and hopefully make teaching easier for me.
Now all of those things ended up coming true, but something happened along the way that I WASN’T expecting...
When I started creating my own curriculum, I figured out pretty quickly that it’s VERY DIFFICULT and it takes a REALLY LONG TIME to create a truly excellent mindfulness and meditation program.
There were a million tiny decisions I had to make about what to create... and what to say... and what NOT to say... and how to do this part... and that part...
And then doubt would creep in... and make me rethink everything I'd already done... and every decision I'd already made...
So, it ended up taking me a really long time — 270 hours over the course of 6 months — which works out to about 2 hours every working day — on top of my other personal and professional responsibilities.
Which was A LOT longer than I was expecting it to take.
But in the end I had created a world class, 10 session curriculum based on the wisdom I've received from many monks, coaches and mentors over the years.
And it was all based on the latest scientific evidence, research, and studies related to mindfulness and meditation.
As soon as I started using this structured curriculum I saw that my students got MUCH BETTER RESULTS than they did before. Which means I got invited back to more companies — and I got a lot more referrals to new (and better!) companies.
That's when my training business really started to take off and I landed some huge clients like Duke University Athletics, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and DocuSign.
Then one day it dawned on me that I could easily help mindfulness and meditation teachers (like you!) with one of the toughest things you face, by simply allowing you to use my curriculum.
So now you don’t have to make the big mistake I made... of flying by the seat of your pants and making it all up as you go. And you also don't need to spend 270 hours over 6 months creating your own mindfulness and meditation curriculum.
You can just REBRAND mine, and use it as your own, with your clients and patients... STARTING TODAY!
So check out this page to learn more, and if you have ANY questions whatsoever, don't hesitate to schedule a call with me.
I would love to speak with you — and should you decide to purchase my "plug and play" mindfulness curriculum — I'll still be there for you if you have any questions about how to use it.
In my opinion, this really is the very best customizable mindfulness and meditation program of its kind available anywhere... So now I invite you to check out this page and decide for yourself.
And just so you know...
I normally sell this brandable curriculum as a stand alone product for $997 — but since you've already joined my Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program — I'm willing to offer it to you much, much less.